Montura de Asolador

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Disambig.svg Este artículo trata sobre Archivo:Montura de Asolador.png Montura de Asolador, y no debe confundirse con Decorative Ravager Saddle Skin
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Montura de Asolador
Ravager Saddle.png
Equip a Ravager with this to ride it.
Valor de armadura
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi CaveWolfSaddle 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/CaveWolf/PrimalItemArmor_CaveWolfSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CaveWolfSaddle'" 1 0 0
Nivel requerido
Puntos de engrama
20 PE
Fabricado en:
Argentavis Saddle
Castoroides Saddle
Thorny Dragon Saddle
Tek Replicator
285 × Hide.png Hide
125 × Fiber.png Fiber
110 × Fungal Wood.png Fungal Wood

The Ravager Saddle is used to ride a Ravager after you have tamed it. It can be unlocked at level 47.

The Ravager Saddle increases hypothermic and hyperthermic insulation the more armor the saddle has. Although it does not show this in your inventory.
