Часто Задаваемые Вопросы

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Часто Задаваемые Вопросы

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Вопрос: В: Почему мои Армагеддоны с Бэконом и Папочка Повелителей Бэкона исчезают, когда я их приручаю?

Ответ: О: Это был код очистки, предназначенный для избавления от любых эксплойтов прирученных из-за эксплойта, который я нашел до последнего патча. Добавьте этот код в свой GUS Ini, чтобы этого не произошло
KillArmageddon=false (Отключает код уничтожения для прирученных армагеддонов с беконом.)
KillBacon=false (Отключает код убийства для прирученных Bacon Overlords Daddy's.)

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Вопрос: В: С момента последнего обновления я не могу обновить или загрузить мод, мод сломан? Как это исправить?

Ответ: О: проблема с установкой последнего обновления Ark Eternal не имеет ничего общего с самим Eternal, потому что размер файла модов в Steam достиг более 2 ГБ, и программа обновления подходит для любого такого большого мода, когда он впервые достигает этого размера, у нас возникла эта проблема раньше, и это буквально все, что есть. Чтобы решить эту проблему, вам необходимо обновить хост сервера с вашего клиента через FTP, а затем следовать руководству по установке поврежденного мода, закрепленному в #eternal_faq на нашем канале Discord.

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Вопрос: В: Почему я не могу найти структуру для удаления тумана?

Ответ: О: Это жестко закодировано в моде, это не делается с помощью реальной структуры.

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Вопрос: В: Моя виверна продолжает проваливаться сквозь сетку и/или становиться невидимой. Знаете, как это исправить?

Ответ: О: К сожалению, нет, хотя известно, что эта проблема возникает, пока не существует известной конкретной причины или мода, о котором мы знаем, который вызывает это.

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Вопрос: В: Каким динозавром лучше всего убивать мистиков?

Ответ: О: Это зависит от настроек сервера, если честно, при обычных настройках вы можете начать с армией динозавров высшего уровня с высоким здоровьем/высоким уроном и запланировать использование тонны зелий здоровья (поскольку их можно использовать на динозавре с вашей горячей панели, когда вы едете на нем). Кроме того, предлагается либо сделать то же самое с динозаврами уровня Индоминус, Роботами, Спектральными или Призрачными динозаврами, за исключением тех, которые используют динозавров неизвестного уровня FIre, или получить одного из динозавров Дани, которые появляются после смерти от других динозавров, которые не являются боссами (КосмическаяПанда, Тень Полуночи, БлэкиДон др.).

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Вопрос: В: Каким динозавром лучше всего убивать Призрачных или других боссов обычного режима?

Ответ: О: Измельчите Мистика и создайте свою линейку Эволюционировавшей Бронированной Тёмной Звезды или получите Динозавра Дань, не уступающим Тёмной Звезде. Опять же, ни один из наших боссов не предназначен для одиночной игры на обычных настройках сервера, поэтому либо приведите армию динозавров, либо приведите друзей!

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Вопрос: В: What is the quickest way to get EvoFuel?

Ответ: О: set the EvoFuelspeed Ini setting to 100 in your GUS INI under the [Eternal] Section OR make a bunch of Evo Compies and have them all producing Evo Fuel then pull that fuel from them into the dino your trying to evolves' inventory using the S Plus Pull system ( or similar Mods')

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Вопрос: В: Will Eternal be getting any of the new dinos from fjordur added?

Ответ: О: Unknown, will have to wait untill the map is released for the DevKit, which can take months

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Вопрос: В: How do i get a Bacons Griffin?

Ответ: О: It is a % chance to spawn when killing Bacons Overlord

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Вопрос: В: How do i stop the Empowered and/or Cosmic Dino?

Ответ: О: The Empowered and Cosmic is a Buff added onto the Dino rather than an actual new dino, this is done via the AlphaEverything part of the mod, you need to change the GUS INI option to AlphaChance=0

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Вопрос: Will you do anything with the new Dino on the LostIsland Map?

Ответ: Unknown at this stage. ETA on that is when its done.

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Вопрос: Is there/How Can we disable the PickUp Relic?

Ответ: Just Dont use it, Use Self Control.

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Вопрос: Does the Eternal Work Bench not lock?

Ответ: No it doesn't, you have to pin code it. This will not be changed.

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Вопрос: What is Dark Heirophant Essence used for?

Ответ: The Empowerment Station Tier 3 Artifact currently, later after the Evo line is made it will also be used for that.

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Вопрос: How do I evolve Chewie Arch's Buddy? I can't get it to do anything with the element.

Ответ: It doesn't Evolve it's just a little Ferrox. It's a tribute dino.

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Вопрос: What Resurrected dino give what part?

Ответ: The following is what each specific type can make:
Dodorex - Core
Wyvern - Head
Rex - Core
Giga - Legs
Steggo - Arms
Carno - Body
Theri - Body
Quetzal - Arms
Spino - Legs
Trike - Core
Bronto - Arms
Dodowyvern - Head
Rockdrake - Head

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Вопрос: Why do Mystical dinos despawn immediately when I move far away from them.

Ответ: It's a mechanic so people can't use them to grief other players and, also, it's to encourage preperation before fighting bosses.

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Question: What eternal mods do I need for Ark Eternal's full experience?

Answer: О:Ark Eternal (Live Version)
Ark Eternal:Elemental Expansion
Ark Eternal:Structures Expansion
NONE OF THE STANDALONES ARE NEEDED AS THEY'RE ALREADY IN ARK ETERNAL ITSELF. For example Tranqs, level up counter, eternal grace buff etc.

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Question: Can I add ark eternal to my Epic Games Store Ark server or single player?

Answer: No, the Epic Games version of Ark doesn't support mods yet.

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Question: Can I Cross-play Epic Games Ark with modded servers?

Answer: No because the Epic Games version of Ark doesn't support mods yet.

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Вопрос: ASM (Ark Server Manager) isn't properly downloading the Eternal mod?

Ответ: you need to copy the mod folder and .mod file to your asm server's mod directory from your game client, its a known thing that large mods stall out on some server types because steamcmd doesn't like big files.

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Ark Eternal : Demonstration of how to evolve a  Ark Eternal/Prime Pteranodon into a  Ark Eternal/Prime Poison Pteranodon

This should work on any Prime creature that has an evolution,if you want a Lightning version use 50  Blue Gem like the video, if you want a Poison version use 50  Green Gem instread and if you want an Infernal version use 1  Ark Eternal/Infernal Potion. Remember to remove anything you wish to keep from the creatures Inventory and to use Left Ctrl to start the evolution.

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Ark Eternal : Demonstration of how to evolve an Eternal Alpha Creature

This should work on any Alpha creature that has an evolution, if you want a Lightning version use 25  Blue Gem like the video, if you want a Poison version use 25  Green Gem instread and if you want a Prime version use 25  Ark Eternal/Prime Blood Remember to remove anything you wish to keep from the creatures Inventory and to use X to start the evolution.

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Вопрос: How do I disable certain items from my game?

Ответ: It is not recommended to remove anything from Eternal but, if you absolutely have to, use the OverrideNamedEngramEntries=. There are plenty of sites on the internet with explanations if you search for them.

For Example, if you wish to remove the  Ark Eternal/Crystal Hatchet or the  Ark Eternal/Crystal Pick then type the following into your Game.ini file, the first part may already be there so you will not need to add it twice.

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Ark Eternal Teleporter : Demonstration of how to operate

Apologies for the rain, the video was made on ISO: Crystal Isles Map, at the time of recording there was a bug that caused continuous rain.

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Evolutions : The Basics

  • When a creature is evolved the creature you are evolving from is destroyed and a new creature is spawned in its place.
  • What this means is when bred you still get babies of the creature you are breeding.
  • While evolved creatures do keep levels gained (except Darkstars which are always level 900) their stats are randomly redistributed as if you had tamed them from the wild. This means you must be aware of the stats going over 255 when evolved as the stat will reset on server reboot just like if you had levelled it yourself. So it is recommended that you don't level a creature over level 1250 or you risk one or more stats being over 255 on evolution.

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Torpor Tiers: In Order

  • Poison Darts, Arrows, Crystal Poison Arrow, Carbon Arrow, Eternal Tranq Bola, Poison Pike - Normal Tranqs .ini configurable - Eternal Alpha and up are Immune.
  • Elemental Poison and Lightning - Prime and up Immune.
  • Eternal Alpha Tranqs, Pike and Elemental creatures - Indominus and above are immune.
  • Prime Poison Tranqs, Pike and Elemental creatures - some tributes and a handful of other special high tier creatures are immune.
  • Unknown Poison, lightning and Elemental tek tranq ammo - Nothing that can be knocked out is immune.

Poison type debuffs do torpor and usually drain food.
Lightning type debuffs do torpor and electrocute.

All torpor amounts are ini configurable so the amount of torpor they do is up to server admins.
Unknown tier poison is the BEST torpor in the mod by default (unless an admin changes .ini settings.)

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Вопрос: My creature keeps running out of food, what's wrong?

Ответ: The following creatures and tools do.

DINO FOOD CONSUMPTION ISSUES: Creatures with high stats will usually eat a lot of food quickly to maintain themselves, it's due to the fact vanilla food items do not replace much food value in comparison to the high stats.

To solve this build eternal feeders and add feed to them. or use grinded beef potions to top them off.

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Вопрос: What Gathers Eternal Berries!!!!?

Ответ: The following creatures and tools do.

  • Eternal Ankylo
  • Eternal Doedic
  • Vanilla Anky Remap (the purple one)
  • Vanilla Stego Remap
  •  Ark Eternal/Unknown Harvester Therizinosaur
  •  Ark Eternal/Prime Pegasus
  •  Ark Eternal/Robot Stegosaurus
  •  Ark Eternal/Eternal Stone Sickle
  •  Ark Eternal/Crystal Sickle
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Вопрос: Can a TLC Argentavis evolve into a lighting or poison variant?

Ответ: No only Eternal Alpha and up have a TLC evolution and none of them have elemental evolutions.

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Вопрос: Do creatures keep the same stats after being evolved?

Ответ: No evolutions only keep levels never stats, it treats the evolved creature as a fresh tame and redistributes all the "wild" stats according to what level it is.

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Вопрос: The spyglass says that my downed creature takes  Ark Eternal/Instatame Meat etc. yet it doesn't eat it why?

Ответ: Some creatures can be remote feed this consumables like  Ark Eternal/Instatame Meat to instantly tame them, if you put them in the inventory after knocking the creature out and it doesn't eat them then you could tray the Remote Use Item" option in the menu. This is why they will show up in spyglass information.

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Вопрос: Does Eternal work on X map?

Ответ: Eternal works on any map that uses spawn containers from the official maps i.e. the island, scorched earth, the center, aberration, and extinction. Ragnarok is only partially supported. Custom map support varies depending on spawners used but will work on all maps. We do have custom spawner support on Ebenus Astrum and Hope maps as well.

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Вопрос: EvoFuel, godshrines or crystal converter aren't working?

Ответ: These things all have 10 minute per craft default craft times but are .ini configurable see gus.ini settings discussion on steam modpage for entries and settings explanations.

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Вопрос: X isn't doing torpor to X tier dino what gives?

Ответ: Tiered Elemental System Basics

  • Normal mod tranqs knockout up to alpha tier.
  • Alpha requires an elemental dino or alpha tranq.
  • Prime requires alpha tranq or alpha elemental dino.
  • Above prime req prime tranq or prime or unknown elemental.
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Вопрос: X dino doesn't have enough health I keep killing it before I can knock it out because it has high torpor. How can I knock it out?

Ответ: Follow proper torpor mechanics i.e. hit wait 10 seconds and hit again hitting earlier than this will not apply initial torpor bonus it will only reset the over time portion.

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Вопрос: How do I tame Cursed or Ice elementals?

Ответ: They're not tameable you must evolve them from poison,fire or Lightning elementals.

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Вопрос: I can't Evolve X dino!!!!

Ответ: Either it doesn't have an evolution or you're not riding it with the proper evolution item in its inventory and hitting x or left ctrl or you have multiple evolution items in its inventory .

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Вопрос: I can't access dlc content from the mod i.e. saddles etc. because I can't learn the engrams.

Ответ: All DLC craftables can be made in the DLC Workbench without engrams being learned. All DLC resources can be harvested by Eternal Ankylo or Eternal Doed.

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Вопрос: X Dino isn't spawning .

Ответ: All dinos that don't spawn naturally are spawned by killing other dinos with an .ini configurable chance 10% by default.

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Вопрос: What saddle does the Jellyfish use?

Ответ: Alpha Wyvern saddle.

Note if a dino has a saddle slot and you cant find one for it it will use the Alpha Wyvern Saddle or invisible griffin armour.

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Вопрос: What saddle does Darkstar / Terra Nova use?

Ответ: Alpha Giga/Wyvern saddle.

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Вопрос: What do harbinger beetles do that spawn from killing the Harbinger bosses?

Ответ: Once tamed you put Eternal Kibble in their inventory and set them on wander each different colored beetle produces different resources.

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Вопрос: How do I learn X engram that won't unlock manually?

Ответ: By killing certain dinos or bosses.

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Вопрос: What are Eternal and Alpha Kibble used for?

Ответ: Crafting, Harbinger beetle fuel and Darkstar Evolutions.

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Вопрос: Can this Dino evolve?

Ответ: Here is a list of Dinos and their evolution types.

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Вопрос: Will switching to the new mod id version of Eternal mess up my server?

Ответ: Follow these steps

  1. Make a Backup of server save
  2. Shutdown server
  3. Open your GameUserSettings.ini file and replace the old mod id with the new one in the exact same load position it was.
  4. Download/install new version to your server.
  5. Reboot server and once booted perform a wild dino wipe.
  6. If anything disappears ensure mod installed correctly and if so roll back server to the backup you should have made before starting this process.
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Вопрос: Why is the old mod ID making me download the new one as well?

Ответ: This Version of the mod is no longer being updated!, Ownership was Passed to Leutian Kane who has reuploaded under a new mod id.

Go Here to Subscribe to the New version that will Continue being updated.

Please Note the new MOD ID version has been made a dependency for this one going forward to make sure that everyone that is currently subbed that doesn't follow steam or discord gets a chance to sub to the new mod id version.

This Should Cover anyone who subbed by joining a server and not through the Steam Page.

Please note if you simply Shut down servers and Replace this mod id with the new one download the new version and Reboot your servers they should swap out with no problems.

This Version will remain on the workshop for users who are already using it to have a chance to move over and switch to the new version. But will NO LONGER BE UPDATED!

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Вопрос: How do I get alpha elemental or prime elemental dinos?

Ответ: You Evolve them with 25 green for poison or blue for lightning aberration gems for alpha and 50 for prime. With the exceptions of sharks and tapejara which have both elemental type attacks for their tier without evolving.

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Вопрос: What is a DreadMorph?

Ответ: It is a tribute dino that is a poison elemental dimorph that also acts as an aberration light pet.

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Вопрос: What is the best dino to use against any of the bosses?

Ответ: It depends on your server settings. Using default settings NONE of the bosses are meant to be soloable without a lot of breeding to your dinos so either do them as a group or take several high tier(Prime and up) dinos at max level levelled for health and melee.

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Вопрос: What is this pink! I keep seeing?

Ответ: Its part of a spawn on death server announcement I haven't tracked down to delete.

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Вопрос: What saddle does Behemoth Brachio use?

Ответ: Vanilla Bronto saddle.

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Вопрос: Where are the GUS.INI settings Located?

Ответ: Either GameUserSettings.ini or GameUserSettings.ini on Steam.

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Вопрос: Best taming foods for x dino?

Ответ: Eternal dinos typically tame best off of mod foods so usually  Ark Eternal/Alpha Meat or  Ark Eternal/Eternal Prime Meat for carnivores or  Ark Eternal/Eternalberry for herbivores. Vanilla foods will work usually (no kibble) but at much lower efficiency.

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Вопрос: how can I summon the  King Titan from the Boss Summoner they use Summon "X" titan items?

Ответ: These Items are simply the boss tributes you gain from killing the Titans or Previous difficulty level of the  King Titan. Until the next Update when I change the Crafting requirements use this info to summon in the  King Titan.

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Вопрос: How to I Tame Bionic Giga?

Ответ: Kill the Boss Version and you will have a 10% chance(Ini Configurable) to Spawn a tameable version in, at which point use an Unknown Poison Dino to Knock it out then feed it futuristic orbs.<--!Need creature link-->

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Вопрос: Crafting dinos in the mod?


Eternal Ankylo(Forge / Cooker) Harvests DLC Resources.
Eternal Doed (mortar /chem bench) Harvests DLC resources.
Eternal Theri Tranqs/taming helpers.
Eternal Jerboa Azulberry)) set on wander.
Elite Oviraptor Kibble table.
Bionic Giga Element/artifact crafter/crafts elemental tek rifle.
Harbinger Beetles Craft various resources when fed eternal kibble and set on wander.
Eternal Jugbugs Gather various mod resources from them every 5 mins.

Most vanilla crafting dino types' modded versions retain vanilla crafting functionality.

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Вопрос: How do I Learn Engrams for Vanilla DLC Craftables?

Ответ: Unless supported by the map you're on you can't , However, the DLC WorkBench crafted from the Eternal Workbench will allow you to craft most if not all DLC craftables without requiring engrams to be learned, as a side note we have several means of gathering/converting resources into DLC Resources as well so you can gather the materials required on any map.

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Вопрос: I am not finding invisible griffin armour?

Ответ: Its just called griffin armour there is a visible variant, invisible variant and tek armour variant.

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Вопрос: Can jugbugs be auto collected by anything?

Ответ: Best method is to use the DinoStorage Mod and place the bugs in the terminal and enable PASSIVE GENERATION

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Вопрос: Do I need classic flyers with this mod to level speed on vanilla flyers?

Ответ: If eternal is loaded first no.

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Вопрос: Do I need to add the gus.ini settings if I'm not going to change anything?

Ответ: No they all have default values the only gus.ini setting you might have to change is OverrideOfficialDifficulty=20 to ensure max level 600 wild dinos.

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Вопрос: Why isn't X item grindable?

Ответ: Usually because the resource return is off balanced to the point of being an exploit.

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Вопрос: Is the Evo Compy Rideable?

Ответ: No, only the Elemental Compies are rideable.

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Вопрос: Is There an S Plus Pull list for Eternal posted somewhere?

Ответ: Thanks to @Ravensfang there is now & updated as needed by @Morpheus1101. Mod:Ark Eternal/S+ Pull List

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This mod is balanced against itself first and foremost using default .ini settings as well as with 0 modifications to any server side settings such as stats gained per level up, taming speed etc. The ONLY modification to base server settings we encourage to have a smooth as intended playthru is to set OverrideOfficialDifficulty=20 to ensure your wild dinos are max level 600. So for all those claiming this or that is unbalanced try using the intended settings and then come back with your feedback as you'll find this is a far cry from vanilla style of playing when using intended settings.

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Вопрос: How do I get  Tyrannosaurus Arm etc. with this mod?

Ответ: All apex drops needed for boss summons have a small percentage chance to drop from all mod dinos with a so just kill stuff.

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Вопрос: Do eternal dinos spawn on Ragnarok or Valguero?

Ответ: Yes, add this mod after eternal in load order : [Ark Eternal Additional Spawners].

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Вопрос: What is the current tier progression?

Ответ: The current creature tier progression order can be found here.

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Вопрос: What is a "Generic" Artifact?

Ответ: Any artifact counts as a Generic Artifact.

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Вопрос: Is there a way to auto collect from Eternal's jugbugs?

Ответ: NO, the resources don't actually exist until you gather them so there is nothing to collect prior.

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Вопрос: What Saddle do the TLC Argents use for every Tier that has them?

Ответ: Alpha Wyvern Saddle just like everything else that doesn't have its own saddle in the mod typically does.

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Вопрос: What is the Pickup Relic disable list for Primal Fear and Eternal?

Ответ: [Eternal]
DisabledPickup=Demonic Reaper Empress,Infernal Indominus Rex,Eternal Alpha Indominus Rex,Alpha Indominus Rex,Prime Indominus Rex,Rock Drake,Infernal Rock Drake,Prime Rock Drake,Alpha Rock Drake,Spectral Rock Drake,Alpha Rock Drake,Apex Rock Drake,Primal Rock Drake,Celestial Rock Drake,Elemental Lightning Rock Drake,Elemental Fire Rock Drake,Elemental Poison Rock Drake.

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Вопрос: Dino Hearts DNA and Blood won't store in my fridge anymore?

Ответ: They are considered resources now not consumeables so fridges won't accept them.

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Вопрос: Spyglass says a creature is a passive tame but it won't take feeding or doesn't want an item you can slot?

Ответ: Usually means either you knock it out to tame it OR it has a special taming mechanic. Special mechanic examples:- Eternal Alpha Basilisk, Hyenadons. Most of the rest are knockout tame.

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Вопрос: Ride and hit X or Ctrl evolution not working?

Ответ: Make sure no other evolution items are in the creature's inventory besides one you want to use. Make sure inventory is closed when you hit the evolution button.