Механика Оглушения Элементальных Динозавров

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Tranquiliser and Elemental Dino Torpor Mechanics Explained

  • Step 1 : hit target, Initial torpor (if Set to true) and Torpor over time apply as well as any other effects (stun,food drain).
  • Step 2: wait for coloured smoke to disappear underneath target (10 seconds)
  • Step 3: Repeat Step 1, Repeat Step 2
  • Step 4: KO'd Target after enough repetitions of steps 1 and 2

Initial Default Setttings For Tranq arrows and darts as well as elemental Dinos are enough to KO up to but not including Alpha Dinos.

Alpha Tier and Beyond require Higher settings in the configs preferably for the elemental dinos.

Covered by Higher Torpor Tiers ie Alpha prime etc configs in GUS.ini

This will allow you to customize taming / KO difficulty to your preferences as well as set the challenge of taming back in place for the higher Tier dinos.

Keep in Mind if you hit your target before the Smoke is gone you lose your initial Torpor damage and it resets the timer for Torpor over time to 10 seconds again.

This is to make Tranqing / Knocking out require a bit of patience, planning and skill rather than just spamming of arrows/darts or attacks to KO something.

ALL Tranq / Dino Torp Settings below Alpha are no longer effected by melee% or Weapon quality / damage they are completely seperate. Alpha and above use melee% not damage itself as an extra modifier on top of configs.

Also of note is Poison Dino Torpor also Drains Food.

Electric Stun duration on the Elec Dinos and Electric Arrow is halved to 5 seconds so there is 5 seconds that the dino will NOT be stunned before the torpor buff expires. Meaning, no more stun locking dinos or players. Also, note stun will not re-apply period until yellow smoke clears from buff.

Also of Note, Different instigators (sources) of a buff SHOULD stack on the same target ie if two players or Dinos hit a target both of their buffs Should apply and do torpor etc, this should encourage cooperation when knocking out harder dinos.

Also of Note is there are now different tiers for torpor explained in the tiered elemental system threads, Every tier above Elemental Tier torpor now figures melee% into its torpor amount while regular tranqs and Elemental and below tiers ONLY use Config values.

Torpor Mechanics Explained

Game Options Settings

The GameUserSettings.ini settings are described in Ini Settings

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