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Для документации этого модуля может быть создана страница Модуль:DinoIcon/config/doc

return {
	--- Whether to enable this module.
	Enable = true, -- mw.ext.VariablesLua.var( 'FF_DINO_ICONS' ) == '1',
	--- Whether to check if creature variants have their own icons uploaded. This bypasses other matchers, but
	--- each lookup is expensive.
	AllowIconOverrides = false,
	--- Whether Cargo should be queried when determining if a thing is a creature.
	UseCargo = true,
	--- Whether dynamic icon setup configs should be used if specified in Cargo. If false, the matching will be
	--- reevaluated every time. Leaving this enabled allows for caching at template render time, which cuts down
	--- the processing time by a bit.
	AllowCargoDynIconSetups = true,

	--- Stiff name overrides, to map one creature name into another in the system.
	Aliases = {
		["Angler"] = 'Anglerfish',
		["Carno"] = 'Carnotaurus',
		["Onychonycteris "] = 'Onyc',
		["Paracer"] = 'Paraceratherium',
		["Sarcosuchus"] = 'Sarco',
		["Spinosaurus"] = 'Spino',
		["Therizinosaurus"] = 'Therizinosaur',
		["Titanosaurus"] = 'Titanosaur',
		["Trike"] = 'Triceratops'

	--- Static value lookup table, if Cargo is disabled or for a speed-up, or for things that can't be added to
	--- Cargo.
	--- Use `Rigged` for creatures, as this table does not propagate into Cargo.
	LUT = {
		--- Terms,
		["Tamed Dino"] = { '', 'Triceratops' },
		-- If this ended up in an ItemLink, it's probably already renamed.
		["Creatures"] = { '', 'Triceratops' },
	--- Stiff overrides per name. This can also be done through the creature infobox with the 'dinoIconSetup' parameter,
	--- but it is kind of odd.
	--- This table won't be used if Cargo is turned off.
	--- Entry format:
	---   { CSS class suffix, base creature name to use icon from }
	Rigged = {
		['Огненная Виверна'] = { 'wyvf', 'Wyvern' },
		['Ледяная Виверна'] = { 'wyvi', 'Wyvern' },
		['Грозовая Виверна'] = { 'wyvl', 'Wyvern' },
		['Ядовитая Виверна'] = { 'wyvp', 'Wyvern' },
		['Кровавая Кристальная Виверна'] = { 'wyvb', 'Wyvern' },
		['Тропическая Кристальная Виверна'] = { 'wyvt', 'Wyvern' },
		['Тлеющая Кристальная Виверна'] = { 'wyve', 'Wyvern' },
		['Король Жнец'] = { 'reaperk', 'Reaper' },
		['Королева Жнецов'] = { 'reaperq', 'Reaper' },
		['Водяной Жук-кувшинчик'] = { 'jugbugw', 'Jug_Bug' },
		['Нефтяной Жук-кувшинчик'] = { 'jugbugo', 'Jug_Bug' },
	--- Rules leveraging Lua patterns against a creature's name.
	--- Only the CSS class suffix may be altered this way. Icons will be pulled from Cargo's variant information.
	NamePatterns = {
		[' %(Alpha%)$'] = 'balpha',
		--['^Alpha '] = 'balpha',
		[' %(Beta%)$'] = 'bbeta',
		['^Beta '] = 'bbeta',
		[' %(Gamma%)$'] = 'bgamma',
		['^Gamma '] = 'bgamma',

	--- Rules linking up taxonomic groups to CSS class suffixes. Icons will be pulled from Cargo's variant information.
	--- Entry format:
	---   { group name, CSS class suffix }
	Groups = {
		{ 'Аберрантные Существа', 'aberrant' },
		{ 'Альфа Существа', 'alpha' },
		{ 'Брутальные Существа', 'brute' },
		{ 'Поражённые Существа', 'corrupt' },
		{ 'Разъярённые Существа', 'enraged' },
		{ 'Существа Событий', 'event' },
		{ 'Неисправные Тек Существа', 'mtek' },
		{ 'R-Существа', 'r' },
		{ 'Тек Существа', 'tek' },
		{ 'ВР Существа', 'vr' },
		{ 'X-Существа', 'x' },