Subida de los Titanes (Ragnarok)

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Subida de los Titanes
Titans Rise (Ragnarok).jpg
Ragnarok Topographic Map.jpg

Titans Rise is a region in Ragnarok.


Titans Rise is a large, mostly flat grass plain between Dragonmalte Trench (Ragnarok) and Viking Bay (Ragnarok). To the south lies the Ice Queen Labyrinth and the central canyon. To the north lies Pelagornis Bay. It is a safe base location if you know what you're doing. The swamp is small but dangerous, and the castle's creatures should not be underestimated.


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  • Berries
  • Fiber
  • Flint
  • Metal
  • Obsidian
  • Stone
  • Thatch
  • Wood


The swamp castle can be found on the plains and is easy to spot from nearly anywhere.
