Caverna de Fafnir (Ragnarok)

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Caverna de Fafnir
Fafnirs Cavern (Ragnarok).jpg
Una caverna rica en recursos.
Ragnarok Topographic Map.jpg
26.4° Lat,  67.1° Lon
25.9° Lat,  68.7° Lon
25.6° Lat,  69.1° Lon

La Caverna de Fafnir (Fafnir's Cavern en la versión original del juego) es una de las cuevas disponibles en la expansión "Ragnarok" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


Esta cueva está en uno de los laterales de la Dragonmalte Trench. Sus entradas están en:

  • 25.6, 69.1: First bridge entrance (lowest bridge)
  • 25.9, 68.7: Second bridge entrance
  • 26.4, 67.1: Third bridge entrance

The access to the Cavern is currently - not intentionally - invisibly hidden. Between the first and second bridge entrance is a passage. One part of the wall is penetrable, the one that is not basalt. Also the third bridge entrance looks closed, but you can walk through.


  • Guivernos

Equipo recomendado


- a Griffin is fast enough that you can fly inside the cave system without getting attacked by angry Wyverns


  • Creatures that wander in from the Dragonmalte Trench.



  • Before patch v276.0 the Artifact of the Clever could be found in this cave.
