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Recolector de gas

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Recolector de gas
Gas Collector.png
Place on a Gas Vent to extract Congealed Gas Balls over time.
Ranuras de objeto
Tamaño de pila
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi gascollector 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Structures/GasCollector/PrimalItemStructure_GasCollector.PrimalItemStructure_GasCollector'" 1 0 0
Nivel requerido
Puntos de engrama
35 PE
EXP al fabricar
52 EXP
Tiempo de fabricación
Fabricado en:
Argentavis Saddle
Castoroides Saddle
Thorny Dragon Saddle
Tek Replicator
75 × Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot.png Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot
60 × Cementing Paste or Achatina Paste.png Cementing Paste or Achatina Paste
40 × Crystal or Primal Crystal.png Crystal or Primal Crystal
20 × Red Gem or Red Crystalized Sap.png Red Gem or Red Crystalized Sap

El recolector de gas (Gas Collector en la versión original del juego) es una de las estructuras disponibles en la expansión "Aberration" de ARK: Survival Evolved Actualmente también está disponible en las expansiones Valguero, Crystal Isles, Genesis: Parte 2, Lost Island y Fjordur.


Esta estructura se usa como punto de rcolección de recursos, recogiendo gas radiactivo de las salidas de gas que hay en las cuevas.

Gas Collectors need to be placed on top of Gas Veins that can be found on the Aberration map. The Gas Collector will slowly extract Congealed Gas Balls from the vein over time, which are used as a crafting ingredient. The collector will extract one Congealed Gas Ball every 20–25 seconds (seems to have some variance in interval), and can hold a total of 24 stacks of 100 Congealed Gas Balls.


Este objeto es una estructura de paja, y por tanto puede ser dañada por cualquier tipo de impacto, excepto por ataques a distancia no explosivos.

  • The glass section of the structure fills up based on the amount of gas balls in its inventory. This way it is possible to see its inventory status from the outside without opening the inventory.
  • The Gas Collector will slowly lose health over time (very slow). The gas is corrosive and damages the structure so it will need repair after some time.
  • The Gas Collector will take approximately 900 minutes to completely fill its inventory (with about 10 minutes possible variance due to the randomized generation interval).


Empty Gas Collector
Recolector de gas vacío
Filled Gas Collector
Recolector de gas completamente lleno