Desierto Superior Occimeridional (Scorched Earth)

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Desierto Superior Orimeridional
Southern West High Desert (Scorched Earth).jpg

El Desierto Superior Occimeridional (Southern West High Desert en la versión original del juego) es una de las ubicaciones disponibles en la expansión "Scorched Earth" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


This place is a hotspot for Terror Birds and Raptors. though if one can deal with their pestering, it can become an easy source of meat


Very Common

  • Jerboa
  • Lystrosaurus



  • Trike

Very Uncommon


  • Pachy
  • Parasaur

Very Rare

  • Alpha Raptor
  • Tek Parasaur
  • Tek Raptor


From local creatures
