Cañones del Sudeste (Scorched Earth)

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Cañones del Sudeste
Southern East Canyons (Scorched Earth).jpg

Los Cañones del Sudeste Plantilla:Región Expansión.


An abundance of Cacti as well as water makes this area a nice break from the rest of the harsh desert, especially with the Jerboas roaming about... or it would be, if dangerous carnivores like Rexes and Daeodons didn't call it home too.


Muy comunes


  • Jerboa
  • Jug Bug
  • Parasaur
  • Raptor

Poco comunes

Muy poco comunes


Muy raras

  • Sabertooth


Obtenidos de criaturas locales

  • Chitin
  • Hide
  • Keratin
  • Oil
  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat


Plantilla:Nav Ubicacions Scorched Earth