
提供:ARK Wiki
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Dv/staging/doc に作成できます

local Utility = require('Module:Utility')
local Data = mw.loadData('Module:Dv/MergedJsonData')
local Aliases = mw.loadData('Module:Dv/aliases')

local p = {}

p.Error = {
	CreatureMissing = {-10002},
	NoData = {-10003},

function p.cleanQueryPath(name)
	-- Remove non-word characters except / and ? (Unicode enabled)
	return mw.ustring.gsub(name, '[^%w/?]', '')

function p.getNodeWithInheritanceSolved(creature)
	-- Handle an alias (if one exists) for the creature
	if Aliases[creature] ~= nil then
		creature = Aliases[creature]
	-- Retrieve the creature from the table
	local node = Data[creature]
	if node == nil then
		-- Creature is missing from the data table
		return nil

	-- Solve inheritance if node inherits from another.
	local inherits = node.inherits
	if inherits ~= nil and inherits ~= '' then
		-- Node inherits information from another. retrieve it with its inheritance solved.
		local parentNode = p.getNodeWithInheritanceSolved(inherits)
		if parentNode ~= nil then
			node = Utility.merge(Utility.deepcopy(parentNode), node)
	-- Apply data overrides if the node is set to require those.
	local overrideWith = node.overrideWith
	if overrideWith ~= nil and overrideWith ~= '' then
		local overridesNode = p.getNodeWithInheritanceSolved(overrideWith)
		if overridesNode ~= nil then
			node = Utility.merge(Utility.deepcopy(node), overridesNode)
	return node

function p.query(route)
	-- Break the path down by slash
	local path = {}
	for part in route:gmatch("[^/]+") do
		table.insert(path, part)
	-- Separate creature name from the rest of the path and turn it lower-case
	local creature = table.remove(path, 1):lower()
	-- Retrieve the creature from the table
	local node = p.getNodeWithInheritanceSolved(creature)
	if node == nil then
		-- Creature is missing from the data table
		return p.Error.CreatureMissing

	-- Traverse data by the path
	for index, f in ipairs(path) do
		if f == '?' then
			-- Special case to check if a node exists.
			return true
		elseif node[f] == 'null' then
			-- Special case where node is set to a "null" string. Treat it as if it was a real nil.
			-- Table elements in Lua "don't exist" if their value is null, therefore we need this hack.
			return p.Error.NoData
		elseif node[f] ~= nil then
			node = node[f]
		elseif path[index-1] == 'colorRegions' and tonumber(f) ~= nil and node[tonumber(f)+1] ~= nil then
			-- Shift index of a colour region by one.
			node = node[tonumber(f)+1]
		elseif path[index-1] ~= 'colorRegions' and tonumber(f) ~= nil and node[tonumber(f)] ~= nil then
			-- Number-indexed array, treat `f` as a number.
			node = node[tonumber(f)]
			-- Path led to a dead-end. Nothing available.
			return p.Error.NoData

	return node

function p.data(f)
	local args = f:getParent().args
	-- Expect one or more non-named arguments in the template, the slash-separated path to the data
	if args[1] == nil then
		return 'arguments expected, see documentation of Template:Dv'
	-- Concat all non-named arguments (args is not a real table, deepcopy creates one)
	local path = p.cleanQueryPath(table.concat(Utility.deepcopy(args), '/'))

	local result = p.query(path)
	if result == nil then
		-- Return an empty string instead of nulls.
		return ''
	elseif result == p.Error.CreatureMissing or result == p.Error.NoData then
		-- Return the default value or an empty string on query failure.
		return args.default or ''
	elseif type(result) == 'boolean' then
		-- Convert boolean result into a 'yes' or 'no'.
		return result and 'Yes' or 'No'
	elseif type(result) == 'table' then
		-- TODO: result is a table, define variables in a compatible way
		return table.concat(Utility.deepcopy(result), ', ')
		-- Return the result.
		return result

return p