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Artefacto del Guardián

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Artefacto del Guardián
Artifact of the Gatekeeper.png
Encontrado en las profundidades de Scorched Earth.
Un organismo solo puede transportar un Artefacto a la vez.
Tamaño de pila
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi ArtifactSE_01 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactSE_01.PrimalItemArtifactSE_01'" 1 0 0


The Artifact of the Gatekeeper is one of the three Artifacts introduced in Scorched Earth, along with Artifact of the Crag and Artifact of the Destroyer, and also available on Ragnarok, Valguero and Crystal Isles.

It is located in the Old Tunnels on the Scorched Earth, in the The Unknown on the Valguero, and in the Central Oasis on the Crystal Isles.

It respawns after 3 minutes and 15 seconds on servers or after 30 minutes in singleplayer.

Map Location

Scorched Earth
Old Tunnels
The Unknown
Crystal Isles
Central Oasis
Scorched Earth Map.jpg
red: The artifact at lat 58.2, lon 43.4
white: Cave entrance at lat 58.6, lon 47.7
NOTE: The location of the canyon entrance
to reach the cave is at lat 62.8, lon 44.1
Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
red: The artifact at lat 48.0, lon 58.9
white: Cave entrance at lat 37.9, lon 57.4
white: Cave entrance at lat 32.2, lon 92.4

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
red: The artifact at lat 68.4, lon 50.6

Position Command

Scorched Earth
cheat setplayerpos -52700 66000 -27300
cheat setplayerpos 73261 -16009 -76504
Crystal Isles
cheat setplayerpos 9365 314520 -8624 -14.36 -4.86