Cimiento oceánico de metal (SS)

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Cimiento oceánico de metal (SS)
Mod Super Structures SS Ocean Metal Foundation.png
Cannot stack with other ocean foundations
15 000
Tamaño de pila
Nivel requerido
EXP al fabricar
100 EXP
  • Metal Ocean Platform
Fabricado en:
SS Crafting Station Mod Super Structures icon.png
Total de ingredientes básicos

The SS Ocean Metal Foundation is a structure from the Super Structures Mod.


This Structure functions very similarly to other foundations from this mod with a few exceptions:

  1. This structure can only be snapped to the ocean
  2. It has the same structure explosive resistance as the Metal Ocean Platform
  3. It cannot be stacked with itself or the SS Ocean Wood Foundation Mod Super Structures icon.png


  • To connect this to land, you first need to place this structure on the ocean and then build to land. Building the opposite way will not work.
  • This is a unique item from Super Structures and does not exist in S+.


Plantilla:Nav Super Structures structures