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The Whistle menu provides access to a wide range of whistled orders for your tamed creatures. You can access the whistle commands menu by holding down ' (PC) or B (Xbox) or Circle (PS4). For the Xbox version there are no default buttons for the different whistlings except (lb+ up for go here and lb+ down for attack) , you have to use the whistle-menu.

Single-target Whistles

These whistles affect the target under your cursor when you use them.

Command Default Key Reaction
Follow One T The creature you are looking at will follow you (or the dino you are riding, if mounted).
Stop One Y The creature you are looking at will stop following whoever it is following.
Land Flyer One N/A The creature you are looking at will stop following whoever it is following and land (this action is not mapped to a key by default).

Group Whistles

These whistles affect all creatures within a certain radius in your current whistle group. You can set your current whistle group by using the numpad 0 through 9, or through the Tame Groups menu. Pressing the same button on your numpad again selects the Global or None whistle group which always has all creatures in it. It is important to note that Num Lock must be enabled to cycle through whistle groups in this way. Pressing Z while pointing at a creature will add it to your current whistle group or remove it from your current whistle group. Pressing H will place a chevron over each creature in your current whistle group. A green chevron indicates the creature is following group whistles, while a yellow chevron indicates the creature has been set to ignore group whistles via it's radial menu.

Command Default Key Reaction
Follow All J Whistle group will follow you (or the dino you are riding, if mounted).
Stop All U Whistle group will stop following you.
Aggressive -
on number pad
Whistle group will change their aggression level to Aggressive.
Neutral -
on main keys block
Whistle group will change their aggression level to Neutral.
They will terminate all their current attacks but will continue to defend themselves if they are attacked again.
Passive ; Whistle group will change their aggression level to Passive.
They will terminate all their current attacks and will not defend themselves if attacked further.
Attack My Target = Whistle group will change their aggression level to Attacking Your Target.
They will terminate their current attacks and will defend themselves if they are attacked, but will prioritize attacking
whatever you attack.
Attack This Target . Whistle group will attack whatever target you are looking at.
Move To , Whistle group will stop following and move to location you are looking at.


  • The exact range of the whistles is not known( AKA if a your flyer is stuck midair and the name is not visible the whistle is useless)
  • For Xbox One and PlayStation 4 hold Left-Bumper and press up and down on D-Pad (for Xbox hold B for the call menu)
  • Looking through a  Spyglass greatly increases the range and accuracy of the "Follow One" and "Attack This Target" whistles, allowing you to call your dinosaurs from farther away or send them against a distant target.


Patch  ASE Changes
  • Added a radial "Whistle Wheel" that you can use to choose from among the many whistles now available. Access it optionally by briefly holding the "Whistle 'You Follow'" key.
  • Added "Go Aggressive" and "Go Neutral" ranged whistle commands. "Go Neutral" also clears aggro, so is good for quickly recalling your dinos from an attack.
178.0 Added "All Passive" whistle.
187.0 There's now an "attack that" whistle which will send all dinos in a nearby radius to attack the specific target you're pointing at.
188.2 "Stay All" Whistle ("U" by default) now only affects things following YOU or the Dino that you're riding.
202.0 Whistles and other attached sounds now play properly when riding dinos.