ARK: The Animated Series

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ARK: The Animated Series is an animated series created by Studio Wildcard and produced by ARK's creators Jeremy Stieglitz and Jesse Rapczak, and director Jay Oliva. The series currently consists of six episodes ranging between 20 to 40 minutes, that follow Survivor and protagonist Helena Walker after her initial awakening on The Island. The show has been released and is available on Paramount+ in the US and Canada.

Cast and Characters

  • Gerard Butler plays General Gaius Marcellus Nerva, a brutal ancient Roman despot.
  • Devery Jacobs plays Alasie, a peppy 17th century Inuit teenager, now finding her place on The Island.
  • Cissy Jones plays The Gladiatrix, a formidable commander in Nerva's army.
  • Madeleine Madden plays 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker, newly awoken on The Island.
  • Deborah Mailman plays Deborah Walker, a 21st century Aboriginal Australian activist, and mother to Helena Walker.
  • Zahn McClarnon plays John, a 19th century Lakota warrior who leads a thriving community on The Island.
  • Malcolm McDowell plays Senator Lucius Cassius Virilis, a manipulative aristocrat during the reign of Caesar Augustus.
  • Juliet Mills plays Chava, a wise healer and village council member.
  • Elliot Page plays Victoria Walker, an idealistic humanitarian aid worker, and wife of Helena Walker.
  • Ragga Ragnars plays Queen Sigrid, a bellicose 10th century Viking warlord.
  • David Tennant plays Sir Edmund Rockwell, an egocentric 19th century scientist harboring dark ambitions.
  • Alan Tudyk plays The Captain, a crusty buccaneer who profitably sails the dangerous waters around The Island.
  • Karl Urban plays Bob, a recent square-jawed arrival on The Island.
  • Jeffrey Wright plays Henry Townsend, an 18th century American watchmaker and Patriot spy.
  • Michelle Yeoh plays Meiyin Li, a 3rd century Chinese rebel leader, known on the ARK by her reputation as the formidable “Beast Queen.”
  • Ron Yuan plays Han Li, a 3rd century Chinese rebel leader and brother to Mei-Yin.
  • Russell Crowe plays Kor the Prophet, an eccentric "dino-whisperer" hailing from a time before recorded history.
  • And Vin Diesel plays 24th century Mek pilot, gearhead, & freedom-fighter Santiago.
  • Scary is the loyal  Parasaur companion of Helena Walker.


