Talk:Compost Bin

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Compost Bin Should Also Have a Function to Rot Meat

There should be some sort of item that lets you rot meat. I thought the compost bin would do it but I guess not.

For scorpion capture of course, and creating narcotics, among other things I assume are out there. --Setari (talk) 04:16, 16 June 2015 (UTC)

Not sure this is the right place to discuss this (if you want Devs to see it, you should be using the Steam message boards! =D ). That said, I have had very little issue rotting off meat when I need to. Have you tried splitting the stacks into single pieces? When you do, the single pieces get the same timer as the stack had, so you can take a stack that's about to spoil and split it off, giving you 20 spoiled pieces all at once!
I just looked through the Wiki and saw no mention of this trick on the Raw Meat page or elsewhere. I'll make a note of it shortly. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! Jakdaw (talk) 05:21, 16 June 2015 (UTC)

Feces Amount needed

The amount of needed Feces per fertilizer is different on every page related to farming. I will do some testing later to find out more info.Figgys (talk) 00:17, 27 June 2015 (UTC)

What testing I've done confirms that you require 3 Feces of the same type to accomplish the creation of Fertilizer. I've tested and confirmed (after multiple trials) this with Human, Medium Dino, and Large Dino Feces. When I'm able this weekend, I'll re-create the experiment and record in on video for you all. Jakdaw (talk) 22:58, 26 June 2015 (UTC)
Just tested it and I can confirm that it takes 3 of the same type doesn't matter what kind it is, other pages need to be changed. Will work on it shortly.Figgys (talk) 00:17, 27 June 2015 (UTC)

Composting Bin should be a Crafting Structure rather than a Container

The act of inserting the recipe ingredients and let time "cook" the resulting Compost forces me to consider the Composting Bin to be no different than the Beer Barrel. If the recipe isn't right, there will be no Compost, it simply doesn't just happens as the spoiling of meat in a storage. Furthermore, only two things can be "stored" in a Compost Bin: Thatch and feces, not even compost aside from the one generated; there is no way to put compost in there but only to leave the one already inside. The only thing that can be stored in a Compost Bin is an incorrect ratio of compatible ingredients. If one thinks a Compost Bin should remain a Storage Structure, the Beer Barrel must become one too. Of course, that is unless this state of things is canonically documented here by Gamepedia as an edict from the game developers themselves(?)

Cooking should join the ranks of Crafting. Cooking Pot... would one eat Dye if it isn't Cheezy Poofs? And Cheezy Poofs we simply cannot craft, I'll try my luck with the Chemistry Bench.

PandemoniumMeltDown (talk) 07:16, 28 June 2019 (UTC)

Edit: "a Farming structure designed to create" ... oh peleaze! A Structure designed to craft, simply put. PandemoniumMeltDown (talk) 07:23, 28 June 2019 (UTC)