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<label for="creature-select">Creature</label> <select id="creature-select"></select>
<label for="character-level">Level</label> <input type="number" min="1" max="500" step="1" value="224" id="character-level">
<label for="baby-mature-speed-multiplier">BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier</label> *) <input type="number" min="0.1" max="100" step="0.1" value="1.0" id="baby-mature-speed-multiplier">
Element Cost Per Level
Base Element Cost
Clone Cost Element Shards
Clone Time seconds =

<script> (function () { // Constants from the CloningChamber blueprint are retrieved by Purlovia // at extraction time. The values are ready to use as-is. // {DinoName: [BaseCost, LevelCost, BaseTime, LevelTime], ...} var creatures = // Version: 312.65.5349305 {

 "Achatina": [ 1725, 55, 12075, 385 ],
 "Allosaurus": [ 1325, 55, 9275, 385 ],
 "Anglerfish": [ 425, 55, 2975, 385 ],
 "Ankylosaurus": [ 2325, 55, 16275, 385 ],
 "Araneo": [ 100, 55, 700, 385 ],
 "Archaeopteryx": [ 325, 38.5, 2275, 269.5 ],
 "Argentavis": [ 1700, 55, 11900, 385 ],
 "Arthropluera": [ 500, 55, 3500, 385 ],
 "Astrocetus": [ 2475, 55, 17325, 385 ],
 "Baryonyx": [ 1300, 55, 9100, 385 ],
 "Basilisk": [ 1950, 55, 13650, 385 ],
 "Basilosaurus": [ 1875, 55, 13125, 385 ],
 "Beelzebufo": [ 1425, 55, 9975, 385 ],
 "Bloodstalker": [ 875, 55, 6125, 385 ],
 "Brontosaurus": [ 1975, 55, 13825, 385 ],
 "Bulbdog": [ 125, 55, 875, 385 ],
 "Carbonemys": [ 1600, 55, 11200, 385 ],
 "Carnotaurus": [ 650, 55, 4550, 385 ],
 "Castoroides": [ 2100, 55, 14700, 385 ],
 "Chalicotherium": [ 675, 55, 4725, 385 ],
 "Compy": [ 175, 55, 1225, 385 ],
 "Crystal Wyvern": [ 2125, 55, 14875, 385 ],
 "Daeodon": [ 1675, 55, 11725, 385 ],
 "Deinonychus": [ 575, 55, 4025, 385 ],
 "Dilophosaur": [ 300, 27.5, 2100, 192.5 ],
 "Dimetrodon": [ 200, 27.5, 1400, 192.5 ],
 "Dimorphodon": [ 700, 55, 4900, 385 ],
 "Diplocaulus": [ 1000, 55, 7000, 385 ],
 "Diplodocus": [ 575, 55, 4025, 385 ],
 "Dire Bear": [ 1650, 55, 11550, 385 ],
 "Direwolf": [ 1450, 55, 10150, 385 ],
 "Dodo": [ 25, 27.5, 175, 192.5 ],
 "Doedicurus": [ 2075, 55, 14525, 385 ],
 "Dung Beetle": [ 2250, 27.5, 15750, 192.5 ],
 "Dunkleosteus": [ 1075, 55, 7525, 385 ],
 "Electrophorus": [ 325, 55, 2275, 385 ],
 "Equus": [ 1100, 55, 7700, 385 ],
 "Featherlight": [ 125, 55, 875, 385 ],
 "Ferox": [ 1275, 55, 8925, 385 ],
 "Gacha": [ 1550, 55, 10850, 385 ],
 "Gallimimus": [ 875, 55, 6125, 385 ],
 "Gasbags": [ 1800, 55, 12600, 385 ],
 "Giganotosaurus": [ 2475, 55, 17325, 385 ],
 "Gigantopithecus": [ 875, 55, 6125, 385 ],
 "Griffin": [ 1700, 55, 11900, 385 ],
 "Hesperornis": [ 625, 55, 4375, 385 ],
 "Hyaenodon ": [ 87.5, 55, 612.5, 385 ],
 "Ichthyornis": [ 750, 55, 5250, 385 ],
 "Ichthyosaurus": [ 1650, 55, 11550, 385 ],
 "Iguanodon": [ 800, 55, 5600, 385 ],
 "Jerboa": [ 1275, 55, 8925, 385 ],
 "Kairuku": [ 1025, 27.5, 7175, 192.5 ],
 "Kaprosuchus": [ 1000, 55, 7000, 385 ],
 "Karkinos": [ 1250, 55, 8750, 385 ],
 "Kentrosaurus": [ 925, 55, 6475, 385 ],
 "Lymantria": [ 375, 55, 2625, 385 ],
 "Lystrosaurus": [ 825, 27.5, 5775, 192.5 ],
 "Magmasaur": [ 2050, 55, 14350, 385 ],
 "Mammoth": [ 1550, 55, 10850, 385 ],
 "Managarmr": [ 2350, 55, 16450, 385 ],
 "Manta": [ 525, 55, 3675, 385 ],
 "Mantis": [ 1975, 55, 13825, 385 ],
 "Megachelon": [ 1850, 55, 12950, 385 ],
 "Megalania": [ 2125, 55, 14875, 385 ],
 "Megaloceros": [ 900, 55, 6300, 385 ],
 "Megalodon": [ 925, 55, 6475, 385 ],
 "Megalosaurus": [ 850, 55, 5950, 385 ],
 "Megatherium": [ 1675, 55, 11725, 385 ],
 "Mesopithecus": [ 575, 27.5, 4025, 192.5 ],
 "Microraptor": [ 850, 55, 5950, 385 ],
 "Morellatops": [ 875, 55, 6125, 385 ],
 "Mosasaurus": [ 2200, 55, 15400, 385 ],
 "Moschops": [ 1250, 55, 8750, 385 ],
 "Onyc": [ 50, 55, 350, 385 ],
 "Otter": [ 2100, 55, 14700, 385 ],
 "Oviraptor": [ 1500, 55, 10500, 385 ],
 "Ovis": [ 1975, 55, 13825, 385 ],
 "Pachy": [ 300, 44, 2100, 308 ],
 "Paraceratherium": [ 1650, 55, 11550, 385 ],
 "Parasaur": [ 350, 38.5, 2450, 269.5 ],
 "Pegomastax": [ 700, 55, 4900, 385 ],
 "Pelagornis": [ 1075, 55, 7525, 385 ],
 "Phiomia": [ 1175, 44, 8225, 308 ],
 "Phoenix": [ 2050, 220, 14350, 1540 ],
 "Plesiosaur": [ 1050, 55, 7350, 385 ],
 "Procoptodon": [ 775, 55, 5425, 385 ],
 "Pteranodon": [ 1975, 55, 13825, 385 ],
 "Pulmonoscorpius": [ 800, 55, 5600, 385 ],
 "Purlovia": [ 800, 55, 5600, 385 ],
 "Quetzal": [ 2450, 550, 17150, 3850 ],
 "Raptor": [ 575, 55, 4025, 385 ],
 "Ravager": [ 625, 55, 4375, 385 ],
 "Reaper King": [ 2325, 55, 16275, 385 ],
 "Rex": [ 2175, 55, 15225, 385 ],
 "Rock Drake": [ 2050, 55, 14350, 385 ],
 "Rock Elemental": [ 2200, 55, 15400, 385 ],
 "Sabertooth": [ 1200, 55, 8400, 385 ],
 "Sarco": [ 550, 55, 3850, 385 ],
 "Shinehorn": [ 125, 55, 875, 385 ],
 "Snow Owl": [ 1125, 55, 7875, 385 ],
 "Spino": [ 1675, 55, 11725, 385 ],
 "Stegosaurus": [ 725, 55, 5075, 385 ],
 "Tapejara": [ 1675, 55, 11725, 385 ],
 "Terror Bird": [ 900, 55, 6300, 385 ],
 "Therizinosaur": [ 2350, 55, 16450, 385 ],
 "Thorny Dragon": [ 1200, 55, 8400, 385 ],
 "Thylacoleo": [ 1250, 55, 8750, 385 ],
 "Triceratops": [ 575, 55, 4025, 385 ],
 "Troodon": [ 800, 55, 5600, 385 ],
 "Tropeognathus": [ 1675, 55, 11725, 385 ],
 "Tusoteuthis": [ 2175, 55, 15225, 385 ],
 "Unicorn": [ 1100, 55, 7700, 385 ],
 "Velonasaur": [ 800, 55, 5600, 385 ],
 "Vulture": [ 800, 55, 5600, 385 ],
 "Woolly Rhino": [ 975, 55, 6825, 385 ],
 "Wyvern": [ 2050, 55, 14350, 385 ],
 "Yutyrannus": [ 2350, 55, 16450, 385 ]


const CHAMBER_MAX_SHARDS = 48 * 1000;

var creatureSelect = document.getElementById('creature-select'); var babyMatureSpeedMultiplier = document.getElementById('baby-mature-speed-multiplier'); var characterLevel = document.getElementById('character-level'); var costPerLevelElement = document.getElementById('cost-per-level'); var baseCostElement = document.getElementById('base-cost'); var cloneCostElement = document.getElementById('clone-cost'); var cloneTimeElement = document.getElementById('clone-time'); var cloneTimeReadableElement = document.getElementById('clone-time-readable');

createSelect(Object.keys(creatures).sort()); babyMatureSpeedMultiplier.addEventListener('input', calculate); characterLevel.addEventListener('input', calculate); calculate();

function createSelect(creatureNames) {

   creatureNames.forEach(function (name) {
       var option = document.createElement('option');
       option.innerText = name;
       option.value = name;
   creatureSelect.addEventListener('change', calculate);


function calculate() {

   var creatureName = creatureSelect.options[creatureSelect.selectedIndex].value;
   var creature = creatures[creatureName];
   var creatureLevel = parseFloat(characterLevel.value) || 0;
   // Clone Cost
   var baseCost = creature[0];
   var costPerLevel = creature[1];
   var costForLevel = costPerLevel * creatureLevel;
   var cloneCost = costForLevel + baseCost;
   var cloneTime = (creature[2] + creature[3] * creatureLevel) / (parseFloat(babyMatureSpeedMultiplier.value) || 1);
   // console.log('CloneCostResult: ' + cloneCost);
   // console.log('CloneTimeResult: ' + cloneTime);
   costPerLevelElement.innerText = Math.round(costPerLevel);
   baseCostElement.innerText = Math.round(baseCost);
   cloneCostElement.innerText = Math.round(cloneCost);
   if (Number.parseInt(cloneCost) >= CHAMBER_MAX_SHARDS) 
       document.getElementById('clone-cost-color').style = "background-color:#cf4c4c8a !important;";
           document.getElementById('clone-cost-color').style = "background-color:#2ebf338a !important";
   cloneTimeElement.innerText = Math.round(cloneTime);
   var cloneTimeReadable = new Date(cloneTime * 1000);
   cloneTimeReadableElement.innerText = (cloneTimeReadable.getUTCDate() - 1 /* 1. Januar */) + ' d ' + cloneTimeReadable.getUTCHours() + ' h '
       + cloneTimeReadable.getUTCMinutes() + ' m ' + cloneTimeReadable.getUTCSeconds() + ' s';

} })(); </script>