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นี่คือหน้าเอกสารการใช้งานสำหรับ มอดูล:TamingTable/creatures

Template-info.png Documentation

This table is used by Module:TamingTable to display needed resources for taming. The names of the species are the common names, found on the dossier, the name in the favorite Kibble should be the one used in the name of the egg.

The field "eats" should contain only the commonly used foods, ordered from high to low efficiency.

The values can be found in the official Dev Kit of ARK in the following blueprints:


key in this table set to value from blueprint-key
affinityNeeded0 Required Tame Affinity
affinityIncrease Required Tame Affinity Per Base Level
wakeFoodDeplMult Waking Tame Food Consumption Rate Multiplier (only needed for non-violent taming)


key in this table set to value from blueprint-key
foodConsumptionBase Base Food Consumption Rate
foodConsumptionMult Prone Water Food Consumption Multiplier
torpor1 Torpidity
torporIncrease Torpidity * 0.06a
torporDepletionPS0 Knocked Out Torpidity Recovery Rate Multiplier * 0.1b
wakeAffinityMult Waking Tame Food Affinity Multiplier (only needed for non-violent taming)

a The value 0.06 comes from The Max Torpor Increase Per base Level and seems to be the same for all species. If not, adjust.
b The value 0.1 comes from Recovery Rate Status Value and seems to be the same for all species. If not, adjust. Use the absolute of this value in the table here (in the blueprint a negative value is used because it's a decrease).

Preferred Food

key in this table set to value
favoriteKibble the favorite Kibble it eats
eats a list of all food that should be shown

Special Food Values

Some species like some food more than other, resulting in different stats of this food for this species (e.g. the scorpion doesn't like Raw Meat that much as other species). Fill the numbers for this in the table specialFoodValues (as seen in the template below). If the species has no such specialties, omit this table.

Templates for new Species

Violent Taming

    [""]= {
        ["affinityNeeded0"]= ,
        ["affinityIncrease"]= ,
        ["torpor1"]= ,
        ["torporIncrease"]= ,
        ["foodConsumptionBase"]= ,
        ["foodConsumptionMult"]= ,
        ["torporDepletionPS0"]= ,
        ["favoriteKibble"]= "",
        ["eats"]= {"Kibble", ""},
        ["specialFoodValues"] = {
            ["Raw Meat"] = {
                ["value"] = 50,
                ["affinity"] = 50

Violent Taming with Heavy Weapon Knockout

   [""]= {
        ["affinityNeeded0"]= ,
        ["affinityIncrease"]= ,
        ["torpor1"]= ,
        ["torporIncrease"]= ,
        ["foodConsumptionBase"]= ,
        ["foodConsumptionMult"]= ,
        ["torporDepletionPS0"]= ,
        ["favoriteKibble"]= "",
        ["eats"]= {"Kibble", ""},
        ["specialFoodValues"] = {
            ["Raw Meat"] = {
                ["value"] = 50,
                ["affinity"] = 50
        ["heavyWeaponKnockout"] = 1,
        ["heavyWeaponTorporValue"] = {
           ["ballistaBolt"] = ,
           ["boulder"] = ,
           ["rocket"] = ,
           ["homingRocket"] = ,
           ["cannonball"] = 

Non-violent Taming

    [""] = {
       ["affinityNeeded0"]= ,
       ["affinityIncrease"]= ,
       ["foodConsumptionBase"]= ,
       ["foodConsumptionMult"]= ,
       ["favoriteKibble"]= "",
       ["eats"]= {"Kibble", ""},
       ["nonViolentTame"] = 1,
       ["wakeAffinityMult"] = ,
       ["wakeFoodDeplMult"] = ,
       ["specialFoodValues"] = {
           ["Citronal"] = {
               ["value"] = 40,
               ["affinity"] = 40