Veta de agua

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Veta de agua
Water Vein.png
Survivors may drink from Water Veins and place Water Wells on them
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La veta de agua es un recurso estratégico disponible en ARK:Survival Evolved.


Las vetas de agua se utilizan como fuente de agua para los supervivientes. Pueden mejorarse construyendo y colocando un pozo de agua. Las vetas de agua se encuentran a lo largo de todo el mapa en las expansiones de Scorched Earth, Valguero y Ragnarok.


Los jugadores pueden beber directamente de una veta de agua mirándola y pulsando el botón de "Usar" (por defecto, E). Water Veins have a limited quantity of water that refills over time. By placing a Water Well on top the vein, the amount of water stored is increased and containers may now be placed in the well's inventory to be refilled using the Use Remote Item option. Outside of Official servers, stone and metal Irrigation Pipes may be placed connecting to the well at its snap points in the same way they connect to a Irrigation Pipe - Intake. On Official servers, no structures may be placed on or surrounding any Water Veins with the exception of a Water Well on top of the vein. When a Water Vein has a well placed on it, all players may still drink from it, even if it is kept Locked by the owning Tribe.

Ubicación de ventas de agua

Below are all of the water vein locations for Scorched Earth. For a larger map including the other resources, see the Strategic Resource Map.

Water Vein
Scorched Earth Map.jpg


Below are all of the water vein locations for Ragnarok.

For a larger map including the other resources, see the Strategic Resource Map.

Water Vein
Ragnarok Topographic Map.jpg
