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¡Coloca esta dermis en una base de taxidermia para exponerla!
Extinction, Error! no es un DLC válido.
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cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Items/PrimalItem_TaxidermyDermis.PrimalItem_TaxidermyDermis'" 1 0 0

La dermis (Dermis en la versión original del juego) es uno de los recursos disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


Podrás conseguir dermis usando un utensilio de taxidermia en una criatura domesticada que pertenezca a tu tribu, o en el cadáver de una criatura salvaje. La dermis se puede exhibir en la Archivo:Base de taxidermia.png base de taxidermia disponible en "Extinction".

La dermis mantendrá los siguientes parámetros de la criatura golpeada:

  • Color (la dermis no mantendrá los colores obtenidos a través de los efectos de caramelos para dinosaurio)
  • Nombre
  • Nivel

Recuerda que solo podrás recoger dermis una vez de cada criatura. If your tamed creature has died, you can collect its dermis a second time (if you had already collected the dermis while is was alive)

Noncollectable Dermis

While majority of the creature can be harvested for dermis, specific creature/boss like King Titan and Overseer (Along with its transformed state) cannot be harvested for its dermis as either their corpse vanishes immediately on death, or their corpse are unreachable (unless they are force tamed).

There is a way to obtain an Overseer Dermis but it requires precise timing as you'll have to dismount as the boss is about to die. While it starts it's death animation you can strike where it died at to collect a Dermis however only people who have been in the Tek Cave during that login will be able to see it. This also goes for the Defense Units and Attack Drone (Do note that these three mentioned Dermis do not retain their coloring and appear the same regardless of the difficulty it was harvested from and the attack drone is the hardest of the three to harvest Dermis from)


  • While a Dermis may only be collected once per living/deceased creature, a newborn's Dermis can be collected up to four times (Baby, Juvenile, Adolescent, Adult) as long as the Tool is struck on them on that growing phase. Be mindful that the Tools may potentially kill very low health babies with a single strike, so use it with caution. They can also be harvested multiple times when using a Cryopod.
  • Wyvern Dermis only do T-pose when placed on Taxidermy Base, however, Ice and Forest Wyvern don't seem to have this issues, as well as Crystal Wyvern.
  • The Dermis of non-tameable creatures only display on their native maps. Therefore, creatures like the Broodmother cannot be displayed on maps like Aberration or Ragnarok. Transferring Boss Dermis to another map will erase the contents so that bringing the Dermis back to the original map will not restore its functionality. Transferring a Dermis to any map, even if the new map also has that boss fight, will destroy that Dermis.
    • Sin embargo, algunas dermis mantendrán su aspecto tras ser transferidas.
    • Cualquier dermis colocada en el interior de un Archivo:Almacén dedicado Tek.png almacén dedicado Tek se convertirá en una dermis en blanco.
    • Alpha Surface Reaper King's Dermis is just a scaled up Reaper King Dermis.
    • La dermis de las criaturas X será básicamente la misma que la de su variante normal.