Snowy Mountain (North) (The Center)

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The Center DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: The Center
Snowy Mountain
North Snowy Mountain (The Center).jpg

A snow covered mountain north of the Center.



The Snowy Mountain and its slopes are home to dangerous predators thriving in its sub-zero climate. Blizzards are expected here, and survivors will often find themselves freezing even in Fur Armor. The fur trade is centered around the snowy mountains and adjacent grasslands with an abundance of mammals with high-quality Pelt. The snow-covered peak is rich in Metal, large Crystal nodes, and Oil-bearing rocks.

The North Ice Cave can be found here.


To the North/Northwest is the Edge of the World, a massive waterfall into nothingness. To the Northeast is the ocean and Lava Biome. The Floating Island and its ring of swamps are to the South. To the West is the Green Obelisk and Snowy Grasslands.







  • Extreme caution should be taken near the Edge of the World, as falling in would result in losing everything on a survivor as well as any mounts.