The Spine (Aberration)

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Aberration DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Aberration
The Spine
The Spine (Aberration).png

Many question the purpose of the corridors that swivel through the region, though its creators are long gone...



The old mechanical relic flows from the blue swamps to the chasm of the rock drakes in the deepest depths of Aberration; countless enemies can be found here, and the area is highly radioactive.

It encompasses a variety of biomes and some of the more rare resources available include Element Ore, Red Gems, Obsidian, Metal, and Oil.

This is the landmark to the entrance to the lair of the rock drakes; its ultimate ending is within the elemental river itself, deep within the rock drake lair. It also guides players to Rockwell Terminal.


Very Common



