Debuff Gun

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Debuff Gun
Mod Dino Storage Debuff Gun.png

Shoot a dino to see active buffs. Clicking a buff or entering a valid path will copy it for easy adding.
- Iron sights (RMB) will force tame wild dinos.
- Admin use only.

Stack size
Spawn Command
cheat gfi DebuffGun_DS 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/DinoStorage2/DebuffGun_DS.DebuffGun_DS'" 1 0 0

The Debuff Gun is one of the Items from the Dino Storage V2 Mod in  ARK: Survival Evolved.


This Gun tool is reserved to admins who can obtain it by summoning it only. It allows:

  • Lmb, RT, R2 to display the  Status Effects of a creature, an UI appears that allows you to either copy the Effect to apply to other creatures or to paste the Effect on the right column to save it.
    • A row in the top left corner allow to edit the Effet blueprintpath.
  • Rmb, LT, L2 tamed instantly wild creatures.
