Luminous Marshlands (Aberration)

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Aberration DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Aberration
Luminous Marshlands
Luminous Marshlands (Aberration).png

Everything wants to kill you down here, this area is no exception.



A bright and mysterious region to explore. It is very dangerous area to explore due to all the deadly creatures you can find out there. It has a large array of creatures you can find that will either be passive or probably want to kill you. This region will be extremely hard to go and build in without dying a bit. It is highly recommended to go and bring a charge light creature with you to ward off the Nameless but be wary of how much you use it, it will probably attract deadly creatures your way. If you don't want that, run to the nearest Charge Node for the light buff.


Very Common



Very Uncommon


Very Rare
