Goo Gun

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Goo Gun
Goo Gun.png

Uses harvested carcasses to create corrosive or bouncey balls of goo.

Rate of fire
0.125 RPS
Single use
Spawn Command
cheat gfi GooGun 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
18 EP
Crafted in
Required stations

The Goo Gun is a weapon that shoots goo, its effects depends on the type of goo that it selects to use.


The Goo Gun uses corpses as ammunition to create goo. To harvest a corpse with the Goo Gun use Ctrl.

Once it has goo the player can use two different types of shots:

  • Burst (Lmb, RT, R2, RB): Shoots a burst of goo, quick press to only shoot one small goo ball.
  • Charged Ball (Rmb, LT, L2, ZL): Hold to charge a big goo ball, press primary (Lmb, RT, R2, RB) to shoot it whenever the player wants with any size. Maximum size is reached after ~2.5 seconds.

Also the player can press R key to alternate between two types of goo:

  • Corrosive: Applies to the reached targets the  Googed debuff, (Unknown effect). If a Charged ball is launched at a target this will stick to it for some seconds. A charged ball can be stuck on the floor and any valid target that steps on it will also get it stuck on it. The sticky ball will disappear from the floor or a target after ~7 seconds.
  • Bouncey: Impulses the player backwards from the direction of where the Goo Gun shoots. Bigger goo balls impulses further. A charged ball can be stuck on the floor and anyone who steps on it will bounce with the acceleration that it had before the bounce. The sticky ball will disappear after a bounce on it or after ~7 seconds.

