Gloom Grove Temple (Lost Island)

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Lost Island DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Lost Island
Gloom Grove Temple
Gloom Grove Temple (Lost Island).png
Lost Island Topographic Map.jpg
59.06° Lat, 47.45° Lon

The Gloom Grove Temple is a ruin in the Lost Island DLC.

This ruin contains both the  Artifact of the Devious and the  Artifact of the Massive, both are needed to summon the Dinopithecus King (Alpha).


Gloom Grove Temple is a puzzle ruin located beneath a swamp lake in the southern part of the Lost Island. To find the entrance, dive down between 5 stones at (62.4, 46.2). SCUBA, Lazarus Chowder, or a fast-swimming mount are advised.


  •  Tranq Arrow Traps that will of course inflict torpor. Can be avoided by going prone or sprinting past them.
  • Pressure Plates that will spawn an variety of enemies on the unfortunate victim. Best to crouch around them as this lowers your point of view making them to easier to spot and harder to accidentally sprint into.



From Local Creatures


