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This article is about the Engrams in the base game, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis: Part 1, and Genesis: Part 2 DLCs. For the engrams in the Primitive Plus DLC, see Engrams (Primitive Plus). For technical information for server configuration, see engram class names.

Engrams are permanent crafting and technological recipes players can unlock, providing a measure of advancement and progression for their Survivors in ARK. Unlike blueprints (lootable items that give access to crafting recipes), Engrams are non-lootable by other players, persist through Survivor character death as well CrossARK Transfers, and do not take up any Weight nor inventory space.

When the Survivor levels up, it earns a certain amount of EP (Engram Points). EP can be spent by players to unlock specific Engrams and to acquire particular crafting recipes, such saddles, building structures, weapons, equipment and clothing. Each recipe costs a specific amount of EP. In single player or multiplayer games with single player settings applied, players can earn enough EP with their Survivors to learn all Engrams of the game.

Instead, by default settings in multiplayer games the sum of all EP a Survivor can earn (see Character Levels) is lower than the total amount of all Engrams would require to be unlocked. Players can reset their Survivor learned Engrams, as well their character attributes with the  Mindwipe Tonic. Server admins can overrides the EP required as well automatically unlock all Engrams changing the related Server Settings

Tekgrams are Engrams for Tek based technologies, and most of them are acquired only after defeating the  Bosses. Tekgrams are required to both craft and use  Tek Tier items.

By default settings, not all maps will allow the Survivor to learn all Engrams and the player will need to transfer the character to other ARKs to learn the missing Engrams.

Base Game Engrams

Engrams for level 1 are already unlocked. These engrams can also be unlocked in all DLCs.

Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
 Note 1 0
 Torch 1 0
 Stone Pick 1 0
 Campfire 2 3
 Stone Hatchet 2 3
 Spear 2 3
 Cloth Boots 3 3
 Cloth Gloves 3 3
 Cloth Hat 3 3
 Cloth Pants 3 3
 Cloth Shirt 3 3
 Waterskin 3 6
 Hide Sleeping Bag 4 3
 Thatch Ceiling 4 3
 Thatch Door 4 3  Thatch Doorframe
 Thatch Doorframe 4 3
 Thatch Foundation 4 3
 Thatch Wall 4 3
 Storage Box 4 6
 Sloped Thatch Roof 5 3  Thatch Roof
 Sloped Thatch Wall Left 5 3  Thatch Wall
 Sloped Thatch Wall Right 5 3  Thatch Wall
 Wooden Sign 5 3
 Phiomia Saddle 5 6
 Slingshot 5 6
 Sparkpowder 6 3
 Mortar and Pestle 6 6
 Narcotic 6 6
 Blood Extraction Syringe 6 6  Waterskin
 Spyglass 7 2
 Single Panel Flag 7 6
 Standing Torch 7 6
 Simple Bed 7 8  Hide Sleeping Bag
 Wooden Club 8 4
 Compass 8 5
 Multi-Panel Flag 8 6
 Cooking Pot 8 9  Campfire
 Paintbrush 9 3
 Training Dummy 9 8
 Bola 9 8
 Parasaur Saddle 9 9
 Stone Arrow 10 2
 Small Crop Plot 10 9
 Bow 10 11  Slingshot
 Carbonemys Saddle 10 12
 Wooden Door 11 4  Thatch Door
 Wooden Doorframe
 Wooden Ceiling 11 6  Thatch Roof
 Wooden Doorframe 11 6  Thatch Doorframe
 Wooden Wall
 Wooden Fence Foundation 11 6  Wooden Foundation
 Wooden Fence Support 11 6  Wooden Foundation
 Wooden Foundation 11 6  Thatch Foundation
 Wooden Triangle Ceiling 11 6  Thatch Ceiling
 Wooden Triangle Foundation 11 6  Thatch Foundation
 Stimulant 11 6
 Wooden Wall 11 7  Thatch Wall
 Sloped Wood Wall Left 12 3  Wooden Wall
 Sloped Thatch Wall Left
 Sloped Wood Wall Right 12 3  Wooden Wall
 Sloped Thatch Wall Right
 Wooden Ramp 12 3  Wooden Ceiling
 Wooden Stairs 12 3  Wooden Ceiling
 Wooden Shield 12 7
 Wooden Pillar 12 9  Wooden Foundation
 Wooden Cage 12 10  Wooden Foundation
 Wooden Wall
 Cementing Paste 13 3
 Wooden Spike Wall 13 4
 Wardrums 13 6
 Wooden Ladder 13 6
 Wooden Trapdoor 13 6  Wooden Hatchframe
 Ichthyosaurus Saddle 13 8
 Wooden Hatchframe 13 9  Wooden Ceiling
 Wooden Railing 14 3  Wooden Wall
 Sloped Wooden Roof 14 4  Sloped Thatch Roof
 Wooden Ceiling
 Wooden Triangle Roof 14 4  Sloped Thatch Roof
 Wooden Triangle Ceiling
 Wooden Window 14 6  Wooden Windowframe
 Wooden Catwalk 14 8  Wooden Ceiling
 Pachy Saddle 14 9
 Wooden Windowframe 14 9  Wooden Wall
 Wooden Staircase 14 10  Thatch Wall
 Gunpowder 15 2  Sparkpowder
 Compost Bin 15 6  Storage Box
 Hide Shirt 15 6  Cloth Shirt
 Flare Gun 15 6  Gunpowder
 Hide Boots 15 7  Cloth Boots
 Hide Gloves 15 7  Cloth Gloves
 Hide Hat 15 9  Cloth Hat
 Hide Pants 15 9  Cloth Pants
 Large Wooden Wall 15 9  Wooden Wall
 Rope Ladder 16 5
 Gravestone 16 8
 Large Storage Box 16 9  Storage Box
 Wooden Raft 16 11
 Bug Repellant 16 12
 Trike Saddle 16 12
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight 17 2  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined 17 3  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical 17 3  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Flexible 17 5  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake 17 5
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection 17 5  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap 17 5  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
 Water Reservoir 17 7  Cementing Paste
 Wooden Double Door 18 4  Wooden Door
 Dinosaur Gate 18 5  Dinosaur Gateway
 Wooden Double Doorframe 18 6  Wooden Doorframe
 Dinosaur Gateway 18 7  Wooden Doorframe
 Raptor Saddle 18 9
 Preserving Bin 18 9  Storage Box
 Feeding Trough 18 12
 Fishing Rod 18 15  Bow
 Lesser Antidote 18 16
 Wooden Wall Sign 19 2
 Wooden Billboard 19 4  Wooden Sign
 Wooden Chair 19 6
 Wooden Table 19 7  Wooden Chair
 Wooden Bench 19 10  Wooden Chair
 Hyaenodon Meatpack 19 14
 Bookshelf 19 15  Large Storage Box
 Metal Hatchet 20 6  Stone Hatchet
 Metal Pick 20 6
 Smithy 20 18
 Refining Forge 20 21  Campfire
 Equus Saddle 20 22
 Armadoggo Armor 21 0
 Painting Canvas 21 2  Wooden Wall Sign
 Wall Torch 21 8  Standing Torch
 Tranq Arrow 21 8  Stone Arrow
 Scissors 21 10
 Parachute 22 6
 Tripwire Alarm Trap 22 7
 Trophy Wall-Mount 22 10  Wooden Wall Sign
 Platform Cart 22 10
 Pulmonoscorpius Saddle 22 12
 Fur Boots 23 12  Hide Boots
 Fur Gauntlets 23 12  Hide Gloves
 Fur Cap 23 14  Hide Hat
 Fur Chestpiece 23 16  Hide Shirt
 Fur Leggings 23 16  Hide Pants
 Procoptodon Saddle 23 35
 Reinforced Wooden Door 24 4  Wooden Door
 Stone Doorframe
 Stone Ceiling 24 6  Wooden Ceiling
 Stone Doorframe 24 6  Wooden Doorframe
 Stone Wall
 Stone Foundation 24 6  Wooden Foundation
 Stone Stairs 24 6  Stone Ceiling
 Stone Triangle Ceiling 24 6  Wooden Triangle Ceiling
 Stone Triangle Foundation 24 6  Wooden Triangle Foundation
 Stone Wall 24 8  Wooden Wall
 Smoke Grenade 24 18  Sparkpowder
 Stone Fence Foundation 25 6  Wooden Fence Foundation
 Stone Fence Support 25 6  Wooden Fence Support
 Stone Pillar 25 8  Stone Foundation
 Wooden Pillar
 Artifact Pedestal 25 10
 Pike 25 10  Spear
 Crossbow 25 12  Bow
 Magnifying Glass 25 16
 Stone Hatchframe 26 8  Stone Ceiling
 Wooden Hatchframe
 Reinforced Trapdoor 26 10  Stone Hatchframe
 Wooden Trapdoor
 Reinforced Window 26 10  Stone Windowframe
 Wooden Window
 Stone Windowframe 26 11  Stone Wall
 Wooden Windowframe
 Medium Crop Plot 26 12  Small Crop Plot
 Water Jar 26 12  Waterskin
 Stego Saddle 26 15
 Sloped Stone Wall Left 27 3  Sloped Wood Wall Left
 Stone Wall
 Sloped Stone Wall Right 27 3  Sloped Wood Wall Right
 Stone Wall
 Sloped Stone Roof 27 4  Sloped Wooden Roof
 Stone Ceiling
 Stone Triangle Roof 27 4  Wooden Triangle Roof
 Stone Triangle Ceiling
 Reinforced Dinosaur Gate 27 6  Dinosaur Gate
 Stone Dinosaur Gateway
 Stone Dinosaur Gateway 27 9  Stone Doorframe
 Dinosaur Gateway
 Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle 27 18
 Stone Railing 28 4  Wooden Railing
 Stone Wall
 Bear Trap 28 9  Smithy
 Large Stone Wall 28 10  Stone Wall
 Stone Fireplace 28 15  Campfire
 Stone Wall
 Stone Staircase 28 15  Wooden Staircase
 Manta Saddle 28 16
 Handcuffs 28 16
 Tripwire Narcotic Trap 29 9
 Spear Bolt 29 10
 Metal Spike Wall 29 11  Wooden Spike Wall
 Gallimimus Saddle 29 20
 Ballista Turret 29 25
 Sword 30 11  Wooden Club
 Iguanodon Saddle 30 12
 Metal Sickle 30 12  Metal Hatchet
 Metal Pick
 Giant Reinforced Trapdoor 30 20  Giant Stone Hatchframe
 Giant Stone Hatchframe 30 20  Stone Hatchframe
 Megaloceros Saddle 30 20
 Reinforced Double Door 31 4  Reinforced Wooden Door
 Stone Double Doorframe 31 6  Stone Doorframe
 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway 31 12  Stone Dinosaur Gateway
 Large Bear Trap 31 12  Bear Trap
 Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gate 31 16  Reinforced Dinosaur Gate
 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway
 Mammoth Saddle 31 18
 Catapult Turret 31 25  Ballista Turret
 Deinonychus Saddle 32 30
 Diplodocus Saddle 32 30
 Lance 32 30  Pike
 Toilet 32 35  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap
 Water Reservoir
 Ghillie Boots 33 11  Hide Boots
 Ghillie Chestpiece 33 11  Hide Shirt
 Ghillie Gauntlets 33 11  Hide Gloves
 Ghillie Leggings 33 11  Hide Pants
 Ghillie Mask 33 13  Hide Hat
 Terror Bird Saddle 33 15
 Wooden Tree Platform 33 28  Wooden Foundation
 Wooden Ceiling
 Wooden Wall
 Cannon Ball 34 5
 Simple Bullet 34 6  Gunpowder
 Simple Pistol 34 15  Flare Gun
 Doedicurus Saddle 34 20
 Cannon 34 25  Catapult Turret
 Simple Rifle Ammo 35 6  Gunpowder
 Scope Attachment 35 13  Spyglass
 Sarco Saddle 35 15
 Longneck Rifle 35 18  Flare Gun
 Large Crop Plot 36 15  Medium Crop Plot
 Ankylo Saddle 36 18
 Tree Sap Tap 36 18  Cementing Paste
 Beer Barrel 36 24
 Chitin Boots 37 15  Hide Boots
 Chitin Gauntlets 37 15  Hide Gloves
 Chitin Leggings 37 15  Hide Pants
 Chitin Chestpiece 37 18  Hide Shirt
 Chitin Helmet 37 18  Hide Hat
 Sabertooth Saddle 37 18
 Pteranodon Saddle 38 15
 Re-Fertilizer 38 20
 Grenade 38 20  Gunpowder
 Simple Shotgun Ammo 39 6  Simple Bullet
 Metal Shield 39 9  Wooden Shield
 Shotgun 39 18  Flare Gun
 Kaprosuchus Saddle 39 28
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined 40 12  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight 40 12  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intake
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical 40 12  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intake 40 15  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake
 Beelzebufo Saddle 40 16
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Flexible 40 18  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection 40 18  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap 40 18  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight
 Poison Grenade 40 18  Smoke Grenade
 Tripwire Narcotic Trap
 Araneo Saddle 40 18
 Silencer Attachment 41 13
 Paracer Saddle 41 18
 Metal Water Reservoir 41 20  Water Reservoir
 Chalicotherium Saddle 42 30
 Greenhouse Ceiling 42 30  Stone Ceiling
 Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling 42 30  Stone Triangle Ceiling
 Greenhouse Wall 42 30  Stone Wall
 Greenhouse Door 43 15  Stone Doorframe
 Greenhouse Doorframe 43 15  Stone Doorframe
 Pelagornis Saddle 43 30
 Train Engine 43 35
 Harpoon Launcher 43 38  Longneck Rifle
 Ballista Turret
 Greenhouse Window 44 15  Reinforced Window
 Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left 44 15  Stone Wall
 Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right 44 15  Stone Wall
 Dunkleosteus Saddle 44 20
 Greenhouse Triangle Roof 44 30  Stone Triangle Roof
 Improvised Explosive Device 44 30  Grenade
 Sloped Greenhouse Roof 44 30  Sloped Stone Roof
 Metal Door 45 12  Reinforced Wooden Door
 Metal Doorframe
 Metal Ceiling 45 15  Stone Ceiling
 Metal Triangle Ceiling 45 15  Stone Triangle Ceiling
 Metal Wall 45 15  Stone Wall
 Dire Bear Saddle 45 24
 Metal Doorframe 45 24  Stone Doorframe
 Metal Wall
 Metal Foundation 45 24  Stone Foundation
 Metal Triangle Foundation 45 24  Stone Triangle Foundation
 Archelon Saddle 45 44
 Metal Railing 46 7  Stone Railing
 Metal Wall
 Metal Billboard 46 15  Wooden Billboard
 Metal Sign
 Metal Pillar 46 18  Stone Pillar
 Metal Foundation
 Metal Window 46 18  Reinforced Window
 Metal Windowframe
 Metal Windowframe 46 18  Stone Windowframe
 Metal Wall
 Metal Staircase 46 20  Stone Staircase
 Carno Saddle 46 21
 Sloped Metal Wall Left 47 7  Metal Wall
 Sloped Stone Wall Left
 Sloped Metal Wall Right 47 7  Metal Wall
 Sloped Stone Wall Right
 Metal Triangle Roof 47 10  Stone Triangle Roof
 Metal Triangle Ceiling
 Sloped Metal Roof 47 10  Metal Ceiling
 Sloped Stone Roof
 Metal Ramp 47 12  Wooden Ramp
 Metal Ceiling
 Metal Stairs 47 12  Wooden Ramp
 Metal Ceiling
 Megalodon Saddle 47 18
 Metal Catwalk 47 18  Wooden Catwalk
 Metal Ceiling
 Grappling Hook 47 40  Stone Arrow
 Electronics 48 6
 Polymer 48 6
 Metal Fence Foundation 48 12  Stone Fence Foundation
 Metal Foundation
 Metal Fence Support 48 12  Stone Fence Support
 Metal Foundation
 Metal Trapdoor 48 14  Reinforced Trapdoor
 Metal Hatchframe
 Metal Hatchframe 48 18  Stone Hatchframe
 Metal Ceiling
 Metal Ladder 48 21  Wooden Ladder
 Fabricator 48 24  Smithy
 Electrical Outlet 49 16  Straight Electrical Cable
 Inclined Electrical Cable 49 16  Straight Electrical Cable
 Straight Electrical Cable 49 16  Electrical Generator
 Vertical Electrical Cable 49 16  Straight Electrical Cable
 Large Metal Wall 49 17  Metal Wall
 Baryonyx Saddle 49 24
 Electrical Cable Intersection 49 24  Straight Electrical Cable
 Electrical Generator 49 24
 Flexible Electrical Cable 49 24  Straight Electrical Cable
 Metal Wall Sign 50 6  Wooden Wall Sign
 Metal Sign
 Metal Sign 50 10  Wooden Sign
 Greenhouse Double Door 50 15  Greenhouse Door
 Greenhouse Double Doorframe 50 15  Greenhouse Doorframe
 Lamppost 50 20  Standing Torch
 Omnidirectional Lamppost 50 20  Standing Torch
 Paracer Platform Saddle 50 24  Paracer Saddle
 Camera 50 30  Spyglass
 Magnifying Glass
 Yi Ling Saddle 50 35
 Industrial Grill 50 40  Campfire
 Radio 51 8
 War Map 51 15
 Thylacoleo Saddle 51 18
 Cryopod 51 20
 Chain Bola 51 30  Bola
 Metal Dinosaur Gate 52 8  Dinosaur Gate
 Metal Dinosaur Gateway
 Metal Dinosaur Gateway 52 12  Metal Doorframe
 Stone Dinosaur Gateway
 Metal Double Door 52 12  Metal Door
 Flashlight Attachment 52 18
 GPS 52 21  Compass
 Megatherium Saddle 52 24
 Metal Double Doorframe 52 24  Metal Doorframe
 Remote Keypad 53 18  Electronics
 Woolly Rhino Saddle 53 24
 Water Reservoir (Frontier Adventure Pack) 53 25  Metal Water Reservoir
 Spray Painter 53 30  Paintbrush
 Metal Water Reservoir
 Canteen 54 24  Water Jar
 Bunk Bed 54 28  Simple Bed
 Arthropluera Saddle 54 30
 Giant Metal Hatchframe 54 30  Metal Hatchframe
 Giant Metal Trapdoor 54 30  Giant Metal Hatchframe
 Advanced Bullet 55 8  Simple Bullet
 Fabricated Pistol 55 18  Simple Pistol
 Pump-Action Shotgun 55 18  Shotgun
 Tapejara Saddle 55 21
 Flak Leggings 56 15  Chitin Leggings
 Flak Boots 56 16  Chitin Boots
 Flak Gauntlets 56 16  Chitin Gauntlets
 Flak Chestpiece 56 18  Chitin Chestpiece
 Flak Helmet 56 20  Chitin Helmet
 Behemoth Gate 57 15  Behemoth Gateway
 Metal Dinosaur Gate
 Behemoth Gateway 57 28  Metal Dinosaur Gateway
 Motorboat 57 45  Wooden Raft
 Electrical Generator
 Metal Foundation
 Megalosaurus Saddle 57 50
 Advanced Rifle Bullet 58 8  Simple Rifle Ammo
 Goo Gun 58 18
 Assault Rifle 58 24  Longneck Rifle
 Daeodon Saddle 59 24
 Laser Attachment 59 24  Flashlight Attachment
 Metal Tree Platform 59 55  Wooden Tree Platform
 Metal Foundation
 Metal Ceiling
 Refrigerator 60 20  Large Storage Box
 Basilosaurus Saddle 60 30
 Ceratosaurus Saddle 60 40
 Xiphactinus Saddle 60 40
 Air Conditioner 61 21  Refrigerator
 Castoroides Saddle 61 50  Smithy
 Argentavis Saddle 62 21
 Tranquilizer Dart 62 30  Stone Arrow
 Simple Rifle Ammo
 Bronto Saddle 63 21
 Heavy Miner's Helmet 63 35  Flak Helmet
 Plesiosaur Saddle 64 40
 Industrial Grinder 64 45  Fabricator
 C4 Charge 65 12  Improvised Explosive Device
 Tropeognathus Saddle 65 21
 C4 Remote Detonator 65 24  Electronics
 Transponder Node 66 20  GPS
 Transponder Tracker 66 30  GPS
 Allosaurus Saddle 67 35
 Auto Turret 68 40  Assault Rifle
 Therizinosaurus Saddle 69 40
 Gigantoraptor Saddle 69 40
 Elevator Track 70 40
 Fasolasuchus Saddle 70 40
 Small Elevator Platform 70 40
 Spino Saddle 71 40
 Medium Elevator Platform 72 40
 Tranq Spear Bolt 72 40  Spear Bolt
 Tranquilizer Dart
 Large Elevator Platform 73 40
 Megalania Saddle 73 65
 Rex Saddle 74 40
 Andrewsarchus Saddle 74 45
 Desmodus Saddle 74 45
 Vault 75 30  Large Storage Box
 Quetz Saddle 76 44
 Holo-Scope Attachment 77 24  Scope Attachment
 Mosasaur Saddle 78 60
 Metal Arrow 79 35  Compound Bow
 Compound Bow 79 40  Bow
 Yutyrannus Saddle 80 50
 Industrial Forge 80 90  Refining Forge
 SCUBA Flippers 81 20  Hide Boots
 SCUBA Mask 81 25  Hide Hat
 Scope Attachment
 SCUBA Leggings 81 35  Hide Pants
 SCUBA Tank 81 35  Hide Shirt
 Metal Water Reservoir
 Bronto Platform Saddle 82 35  Bronto Saddle
 Chemistry Bench 82 65  Beer Barrel
 Mortar And Pestle
 Advanced Sniper Bullet 83 16  Simple Rifle Ammo
 Fabricated Sniper Rifle 83 36  Longneck Rifle
 Plesiosaur Platform Saddle 84 50  Plesiosaur Saddle
 Absorbent Substrate 84 60  Chemistry Bench
 Gas Mask 85 100  SCUBA Mask
 Absorbent Substrate
 Gene Scanner 86 11
File:Unassembled Sir 5rM8.png Unassembled Sir 5rM8 86 32
 Night Vision Goggles 86 100  Lamppost
 Absorbent Substrate
 Electrical Generator
 Rocket Propelled Grenade 87 8  Grenade
 Rocket Launcher 87 32  Longneck Rifle
 Homing Underwater Mine 88 30  Improvised Explosive Device
 Metal Water Reservoir
 Cryofridge 88 60  Large Storage Box
 Industrial Cooker 89 60  Cooking Pot
 Pheromone Dart 90 60  Tranquilizer Dart
 Rhyniognatha Saddle 90 65
 Tusoteuthis Saddle 91 40
 Zeppelin 92 22
 Riot Shield 92 45  Metal Shield
 Mosasaur Platform Saddle 93 80  Mosasaur Saddle
 Minigun Turret 94 80  Catapult Turret
 Auto Turret
 Electric Prod 95 60
 Shocking Tranquilizer Dart 96 30  Tranquilizer Dart
 Giganotosaurus Saddle 96 75
 Carcharo Saddle 96 75
 Quetz Platform Saddle 97 80  Quetz Saddle
 Riot Boots 98 40  Ghillie Boots
 Riot Chestpiece 98 40  Ghillie Chestpiece
 Riot Gauntlets 98 40  Ghillie Gauntlets
 Riot Helmet 98 40  Ghillie Mask
 Riot Leggings 98 40  Ghillie Leggings
 Rocket Turret 99 100  Minigun Turret
 Rocket Launcher
 Shastasaurus Submarine Saddle 100 70
 Heavy Auto Turret 100 100  Assault Rifle
 Dreadnoughtus Platform Saddle 100 100
 Titanosaur Platform Saddle 100 120


Tekgrams special engrams for the most advanced items in the game. Most Tegrams are unlocked as award by defeating  Bosses. Tekgrams are required to both craft and use the corresponding equipment, but they are not needed to place already crafted building parts or ride  Tek Saddles. However, to use the related Tek Saddles unique functionalities Tekgrams are still required to be learnt by Survivors.

Unlock all Tekgrams at once

 Broodmother Lysrix  Megapithecus  Dragon Broodmother.png+Megapithecus.png The Center The Center  Manticore Scorched Earth Dragon.png+Manticore.png Ragnarok Arena Ragnarok 2  Rockwell Aberration  Desert Titan Extinction  Forest Titan Extinction  Ice Titan Extinction Dragon.png+Manticore.png+Megapithecus.png Valguero Valguero  Moeder Genesis: Part 1  Corrupted Master Controller Genesis: Part 1  Crystal Wyvern Queen Crystal Isles  Rockwell Prime Genesis: Part 2  Dinopithecus King Lost Island  Fenrisúlfr Fjordur
G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. S. S. S. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A. G. B. A.
Required Level 30 3 50 70 45 65 85 55 75 100 70 80 90 55 70 95 70 80 90 60 75 100 1 1 1 30 30 70 1 1 1 1 1 1 55 75 100 55 75 100 55 75 100
 Element 20 56 148 40 110 220 80 220 440 60 166 368 38 135 285 65 200 410 404 1104 2204 85 255 520 40 110 220 80 220 440 100 250 500
 Astrocetus Tek Saddle
 Behemoth Tek Gate
 Behemoth Tek Gateway
 Cloning Chamber
 Cruise Missile
 Large Tek Wall
 Megalodon Tek Saddle
 Mosasaur Tek Saddle
 Rex Tek Saddle
 Rock Drake Tek Saddle
 Sloped Tek Roof
 Sloped Tek Wall Left
 Sloped Tek Wall Right
 Tapejara Tek Saddle
 Tek Boots
 Tek Catwalk
 Tek Ceiling
 Tek Chestpiece
 Tek Claws
 Tek Dedicated Storage
 Tek Dinosaur Gate
 Tek Dinosaur Gateway
 Tek Door
 Tek Doorframe
 Tek Double Door
 Tek Double Doorframe
 Tek Fence Foundation
 Tek Fence Support
 Tek Forcefield
 Tek Foundation
 Tek Gauntlets
 Tek Generator
 Tek Grenade
 Tek Grenade Launcher
 Tek Hatchframe
 Tek Helmet
 Tek Ladder
 Tek Leggings
 Tek Light
 Tek Pillar
 Tek Railing
 Tek Ramp
 Tek Replicator
 Tek Rifle
 Tek Railgun
 Tek Sensor
 Tek Shield
 Tek Shoulder Cannon
 Tek Sleeping Pod
 Tek Staircase
 Tek Stairs
 Tek Sword
 Tek Teleporter
 Tek Transmitter
 Tek Trapdoor
 Tek Trough
 Tek Triangle Ceiling
 Tek Triangle Foundation
 Tek Triangle Roof
 Tek Turret
 Tek Wall
 Tek Window
 Tek Windowframe
 Unassembled Exo-Mek
 Unassembled TEK Hover Skiff
 Vacuum Compartment
 Vacuum Compartment Moonpool

Harder difficulties in a particular boss will award the engrams from all previous difficulties.
2 Ragnarok Arena contains  Manticore and  Dragon, which give their Tekgrams upon death. Defeating both unlocks the exclusive Tekgram listed.
3 This is the level required to enter the Easy Arena for  Broodmother Lysrix, the lowest level arena.
4  ARK: Survival Ascended only.

Scorched Earth Engrams

Scorched Earth DLC.jpg This section is about content exclusive to the DLC: Scorched Earth

These engrams can also be unlocked in the Genesis: Part 2, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island and Fjordur DLCs.

Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
 Preserving Salt 5 3
 Clay 5 3
 Tent 7 8  Hide Sleeping Bag
 Boomerang 10 2
 Morellatops Saddle 11 11
 Vessel 13 10  Storage Box
 Adobe Door 15 4  Thatch Door
 Adobe Doorframe
 Adobe Ceiling 15 5  Thatch Ceiling
 Adobe Triangle Ceiling 15 5  Thatch Ceiling
 Adobe Foundation 15 6  Thatch Foundation
 Adobe Fence Support 15 6  Adobe Foundation
 Adobe Fence Foundation 15 6  Adobe Foundation
 Adobe Doorframe 15 6  Thatch Doorframe
 Adobe Wall
 Adobe Triangle Foundation 15 6  Thatch Foundation
 Adobe Wall 15 7  Thatch Wall
 Water Well 15 10  Large Storage Box
 Adobe Stairs 16 3
 Adobe Ramp 16 3  Adobe Ceiling
 Adobe Trapdoor 16 6
 Adobe Ladder 16 6
 Adobe Hatchframe 16 8  Adobe Ceiling
 Adobe Railing 17 2  Adobe Wall
 Adobe Pillar 17 8  Adobe Foundation
 Adobe Staircase 17 15  Adobe Wall
 Sloped Adobe Wall Right 18 3  Sloped Thatch Wall Right
 Adobe Wall
 Sloped Adobe Wall Left 18 3  Sloped Thatch Wall Left
 Adobe Wall
 Adobe Triangle Roof 18 5  Sloped Thatch Roof
 Adobe Triangle Ceiling
 Sloped Adobe Roof 18 5  Sloped Thatch Roof
 Adobe Ceiling
 Large Adobe Wall 19 9  Adobe Wall
 Adobe Window 20 6  Adobe Windowframe
 Whip 20 6  Slingshot
 Adobe Windowframe 20 8  Adobe Wall
 Adobe Double Door 22 4  Adobe Door
 Adobe Double Doorframe 22 6  Adobe Doorframe
 Propellant 22 12  Mortar and Pestle
 Oil Jar 24 15
 Flame Arrow 26 15
 Desert Cloth Shirt 28 4  Cloth Shirt
 Desert Cloth Pants 28 5  Cloth Pants
 Desert Goggles and Hat 28 7  Cloth Hat
 Desert Cloth Gloves 28 7  Cloth Gloves
 Desert Cloth Boots 28 7  Cloth Boots
 Adobe Dinosaur Gate 30 8  Adobe Door
 Adobe Dinosaur Gateway 30 12  Adobe Doorframe
 Mirror 32 25  Metal Wall Sign
 Giant Adobe Trapdoor 34 12  Giant Adobe Hatchframe
 Giant Adobe Hatchframe 34 15  Adobe Hatchframe
 Lymantria Saddle 36 12
 Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gate 38 15  Adobe Dinosaur Gateway
 Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gateway 38 18  Adobe Dinosaur Gate
 Thorny Dragon Saddle 40 18
 Mantis Saddle 45 18
 Wind Turbine 50 18  Fabricator
 Chainsaw 55 21  Shotgun
 Oil Pump 60 24  Electrical Generator
 Wind Turbine
 Flamethrower Ammo 65 10  Flamethrower
 Flamethrower 65 25  Assault Rifle
 Rock Golem Saddle 70 40
 Cluster Grenade 80 8  Grenade
 Rocket Homing Missile 90 25  Rocket Propelled Grenade

Aberration Engrams

Aberration DLC.jpg This section is about content exclusive to the DLC: Aberration

These engrams can also be unlocked in the Genesis: Part 2, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island and Fjordur DLCs.

Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
 Glow Stick 10 4
 Fish Basket 13 6
 Portable Rope Ladder 15 7  Wooden Ladder
 Shag Rug 17 4
 Wood Elevator Track 20 4  Wood Elevator Top Switch
 Small Wood Elevator Platform 20 4  Wood Elevator Track
 Wood Elevator Top Switch 20 16
 Medium Wood Elevator Platform 23 7  Wood Elevator Track
 Large Wood Elevator Platform 30 8  Wood Elevator Track
 Zip-Line Anchor 31 8  Crossbow
 Climbing Pick 34 16  Metal Pick
 Stone Cliff Platform 37 28  Wooden Tree Platform
 Gas Collector 40 35
 Pliers 45 16
 Ravager Saddle 47 20
 Metal Cliff Platform 51 48  Metal Tree Platform
 Zip-Line Motor Attachment Skin 54 34
 Roll Rat Saddle 58 26
 Glider Suit Skin 62 26  Parachute
 Karkinos Saddle 65 28
 Hazard Suit Gloves 68 16
 Hazard Suit Boots 68 16
 Hazard Suit Shirt 68 22
 Hazard Suit Pants 68 22
 Hazard Suit Hat 68 28
 Charge Battery 71 22  Glow Stick
 Rock Drake Saddle 75 26
 Charge Lantern 80 32  Charge Battery
 Basilisk Saddle 85 28

Extinction Engrams

Extinction DLC.jpg This section is about content exclusive to the DLC: Extinction

These engrams can also be unlocked in the Genesis: Part 2, Lost Island and Fjordur DLCs.

Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
 Taxidermy Tool 10 3
 Small Taxidermy Base 10 4
 Delivery Crate 16 6
 Medium Taxidermy Base 21 4
 Dino Leash 22 6
 Velonasaur Saddle 27 8
 Large Taxidermy Base 32 4
 Gacha Saddle 38 6
 Gasbags Saddle 43 6
 Unstable Element Shard 55 6
 Unstable Element 58 6
 Snow Owl Saddle 61 6
 Managarmr Saddle 66 8
 Tek Bridge 72 32
 Tek Gravity Grenade 79 20  Gunpowder
 CS Gacha Gavager (Mod:Cybers Structures) 85 30
 Unassembled Mek 91 38
 M.D.S.M. 93 40
 Rocket Pod 95 35
 M.R.L.M. 95 40
 Cannon Shell 97 35
 M.S.C.M. 97 40

Genesis: Part 1 Engrams

Genesis Part 1 DLC.jpg This section is about content exclusive to the DLC: Genesis: Part 1

These engrams can also be unlocked in the Genesis: Part 2, Lost Island and Fjordur DLCs.

Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
 Fish Net 6 4
 Pressure Plate 12 6
 Wood Ocean Platform 25 24
 Megachelon Platform Saddle 45 35
 Metal Ocean Platform 53 50  Wood Ocean Platform
 Tek Jump Pad 70 30
 Mining Drill 80 35
 Magmasaur Saddle 95 35

Genesis: Part 2 Engrams

Genesis Part 2 DLC.jpg This section is about content exclusive to the DLC: Genesis: Part 2

These engrams can also be unlocked in the Genesis: Part 1, Lost Island and Fjordur DLCs.

Name LevelEPPrerequisite(s)
 Canoe 8 10
 Maewing Saddle 19 24
 Loadout Mannequin 23 8  Training Dummy
 Ammo Box 29 24  Large Storage Box
 Jar of Pitch 35 18  Catapult Turret
 Net Projectile 43 12  Harpoon Launcher
 Egg Incubator 89 55  Air Conditioner
 Minigun 94 35  Longneck Rifle
 Tek Canteen 101 6  Water Jar
 Tek Crop Plot 104 32  Water Jar
 Tek Surveillance Console 108 60
 Tek Hoversail 112 45
 Tek Bow 116 53  Compound Bow
 Tek Phase Pistol 118 55
 Astrodelphis Starwing Saddle 120 60


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
174.0 Raised Max Player Level to 64, providing 120 additional Engram Points.
178.0 Fix for Engrams not appearing on characters in some cases.
204.0 Folders on Engrams list stay visible correctly when re-opening Crafting Menu.
204.1 Fixed randomish missing mod engrams.
  • You can now double-click an Engram to Learn It.
  • Engram Window automatically opens after applying all available Level Ups.
218.7 Player engrams no longer count towards "max" inventory items.
219.0 Engrams no longer count against maximum inventory item limit.
222.1 Fixed missing engrams on structures and players.
222.2 Fixed missing engrams on players.
246.1 Fixed issue with losing Engrams on downloading Survivor via Cross-ARK Transfer.
253.1  Pegomastax can no longer steal your Engrams.
254.6 Hiding Engrams now automatically prevents them from appearing in Supply Crates even if they are not in the Exclude Items Indices list.
  • Adjusted Blueprint and Engrams colours to help with readability.
  • Required Engrams no longer clipping and correctly displayed.
  • Placing your cursor over an engram or blueprint in a remote inventory and pressing E should craft it.
257.0 Engram Tree revamp.
257.4 Fixed Tek Engrams not being learned when defeating Bosses.
257.22 Disabled "Learn Prerequisites" Engram button for now.
257.42 Engram Prerequisites now unlock properly.
257.499 Fixed issue with Engrams not being learnable on Unofficial Servers.
259.21 Fixed Primitive/Primitive+ servers (and any Mod/INI) which uses custom Engram lists not having correct Engrams available.
259.32 Fixed an issue where you couldn't see the TEK Cave engrams without having engrams enabled.
260.0 Fixed engrams not displaying in the correct order.
260.11 Engram List Crush crash fix.
  • Fixed engrams sometimes not displaying proper while in folder view.
  • Fixed an issue where disabling engrams on the host menu and re-enabling caused the engram to still be invisible.
  • Correctly focusing on engrams when tabbing between Engram and Inventory UI.
  • Fixed an issue where certain engrams weren't learnable.
  • Engram label texts are not modulating by the UI panel alpha.
263.0 Tooltip no longer stays when scrolling the Engram and Inventory UI.
278.0 Added an option to hide learned engrams.
322.14 Added the option to see Unlearned Engrams on the Crafting UI.
329.51 Fixed being unable to navigate onto the Genesis 2 Engram filter.
346.14 Added other map learnable engrams to Fjordur.

External links
