Table of dyes

提供:ARK Wiki
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Tripwire Alarm Trap.png このページは{{:Table of dyes}}を使用して他のページに表示されるように設計されています。

Please note that the color values in the DevKit are actually darker as the colors appear in the game. The reason is that DevKit colors are without considering the default gamma setting. The colors in this table consider the gamma. The original colors are added as a comment.

Take the dye named Forest as an example. The DevKit says 0 Red, 0.15 Green and 0 Blue. This is for Green: 0.15 × 255 = 38 = 26 Hex. Gamma corrected the Green becomes 107 = 6B Hex, Red and Blue keep the same. So DevKit color is actually #002600 but gamma corrected it is #006b00.

Please note the checkbox "sRGB" in the upper right corner and the color bar below.
Dye Amarberry.png Azulberry.png Tintoberry.png Narcoberry.png Stimberry.png 木炭.png 火薬.png 発火粉.png Hex Code
 Black 15 2 #1c1c1c
 Blue 15 2 #0000ff
 Brick 12 6 1 #94321c
 Brown 6 3 9 2 #756046
 Cantaloupe 7 7 4 1 #ff9a00
 Cyan 6 12 1 #00ffff
 Forest 7 7 4 1 #006b00
 Green 9 9 2 #00ff00
 Magenta 9 9 1 #e71cd9
 Mud 4 1 7 6 1 #463b2b
 Navy 12 6 1 #32326b
 Olive 12 6 1 #baba59
 Orange 9 9 2 #ff8800
 Parchement 12 6 1 #ffffba
 Pink 12 6 1 #ff7be1
 Purple 9 9 2 #7b00e0
 Red 15 2 #ff0000
 Royalty 7 7 4 1 #7b00a8
 Silver 6 12 1 #e0e0e0
 Sky 12 6 1 #bad4ff
 Slate 12 6 1 #595959
 Tan 4 1 7 6 1 #ffedb2
 Tangerine 7 7 4 1 #ad652b
 White 15 2 #fefefe
 Yellow 15 2 #ffff00