Correa de dinosaurio

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Correa de dinosaurio
Dino Leash.png
Electronic leash to keep your dinos from wandering too far.
Tiempo de deterioro
Tamaño de pila
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi dinoleash 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Structures/DinoLeash/PrimalItemStructure_DinoLeash.PrimalItemStructure_DinoLeash'" 1 0 0
Nivel requerido
Puntos de engrama
6 PE
EXP al fabricar
32 EXP
Tiempo de fabricación
Fabricado en:
Argentavis Saddle
Castoroides Saddle
Thorny Dragon Saddle
Tek Replicator
Estaciones necesarias
Fabricator.png Fabricator
Refining Forge.png Refining Forge
5 × Polymer, Organic Polymer, or Corrupted Nodule.png Polymer, Organic Polymer, or Corrupted Nodule
20 × Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot.png Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot
1 × Electronics.png Electronics

La correa de dinosaurio (Dino Leash en la versión original del juego) es una de las herramientas disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


La correa de dinosaurio es una herramienta eléctrica que se usa para atar y domesticar criaturas. Al atarlas, las criaturas voladoras solo podrán alejarse cierta distancia del jugador. Debes cargarlas con energía solar o con algún otro tipo de medio de recarga de electricidad para que funcione.

Al seleccionarla, la correa te dará diferentes opciones:

    • Activar/Desactivar: enciende o apaga la correa
    • Acceder al inventario: permite al jugador añadir baterías para cargar el dispositivo (máximo de 12 espacios de inventario)
    • Change Range From - Changes the range around the leash in which creatures are controlled. This is marked by a red circle within the leashed area. Leashed creatures will appear with a red lock icon over their heads.
      • Mínimo
      • Pequeño
      • Medio
      • Grande
    • Demolish - Destroys the leash, returning half of the materials required to build to the player's inventory.

Important to note, only tamed creatures within the range of the Dino Leash upon activation will be locked.


  • Any creatures that are ridden and dismounted will be locked.
  • Often, the creature may no longer be locked even though it has not been ridden out of bounds. Happens every time the server restarts.
  • Medium range is marginally smaller than trough range, this makes it worthwhile to utilize while raising creatures as they will not flee away from trough range if the Dino Leash is placed in the middle of the feeding trough configuration.
  • As of yet, there have not been any updates that allows the player to either change the color of the leash's boundary ring.
  • Wandering creatures often become stuck against the perimeter and stop moving.
  • It is recommended to fortify your dino leashes in the wild. 1 metal foundation and 4 walls or 3 walls + 1 door combo (for access to leash) works well. (No ceiling as to allow solar to work)
  • Puedes combinar varias correas para aumentar su alcance.
