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Fecha de lanzamiento: 9 de julio de 2020

Cambios y correcciones:

  • Fixed an exploit related to the Railgun
  • Se ha corregido un exploit relacionado con el cañón de hombro
  • MEKs can now harvest corpses with their swords
  • Reduced TEK Generator enemy foundation check radius in PvE
  • Multiple level design fixes related to holes, volumes, floating foliage, and collision.
  • Rollrat passengers are no longer killed when the Rollrat rolls
  • Begin 'Mating' has now been moved back to the standard tick (should eliminate the delay in creatures starting to mate)
  • TEK Sensor settings should not restart after loading a saved game
  • Se han rebalanceado los costes de clonado de los Guivernos de Cristal
  • Se han eliminado ciertos objetos que no pueden usarse de las tablas de botines de misión
  • Added TEK Trike and Ice Golem to the recoverable cryo array so that they can be cryo'd and used on Genesis specifically
  • Additional Hexagon Loot Crate protection to prevent them from being unopened upon purchase
  • Ahora, los guantes Tek funcionan en Genesis
  • Fixed some cases where the Rock Drake was able to shoot at turrets but not be targeted itself
  • Megalechon dermis now works on the Large Taxidermy Base
  • HLNA skin will now respect the 'disable default survivor item' options in the client
  • Added `BabyImprintAmountMultiplier` as an additional game.ini config for globally tuning imprinting.
    • Multiplier applied to the percentage each imprints provide. For example, if an imprint usually give 8%, setting this multiplier to 0.5 means they would now give 4% each. While setting it to 2.0 means they would now give 16% each, etc. This multiplier is global, meaning it will affect the imprinting progression of every species
  • Se han introducido más cambios a la lógica empleada para corregir los exploits de desincronización
  • Fixed another bug that would have prevented data from being written to the cloud when transferring characters (Official Only).
  • Ahora, los dinosaurios no reclamados no podrás criar
  • Ahora, las crías de dinosaurios no podrán autorecolectar materiales
  • Se ha corregido un error por el que los lagos de Elemento no recuperaban el Elemento del equipo Tek