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Begriffsirrtum.png Dieser Artikel handelt von Datei:Magmasaurus.png Magmasaurus,
Magmasaur Image.jpg
Vorlage:DLCIndicatorGenesis: Part 1
Check mark.svg Unknown1
X mark.svg No
X mark.svg No3
1 Adults cannot be tamed, but  Wild Eggs can be hatched.
3 Kann nur in Lava ausgebrütet werden.
no MAP specified

Der Magmasaurus ist eine Kreatur in ARK's Expansion Pack Genesis: Part 1.

Basis Info


Der Magmasaurus ist eine Feuer-basierte Kreatur, die durch Hitze an Stärke gewinnt und Attacken auflädt. Er hat eine Affinität für Lava bis zu dem Punkt das er sogar darin schwimmt, und er hasst Wasser. Der Magmasaurus hat einen Hitzebeständigen Sattel der den Reiter vor Hitze, Feuer und Lava schützt.

Der Magmasaurus konsumiert viele verscvhiedene Materialien, u.a. Benzin, Stein, rohes und gebratenes Fleisch, und Ambra. Magmasaurier dienen als mobile Schmiede und schmelzen die selben Materialien wie ein  Schmelzofen.

Kalte Temperaturen werden die angriffs Zeit des Magmasauriers negativ beeinflussen und schwimmen, bzw. der Aufenthalt in zu tiefem Wasser oder Lava wird die sengende Spuck Attacke außer Kraft setzen.


Der Magmasaurus hat das Auftreten eines bärtigen Drachens. Er hat ähnliche Kopf- und Körperform. Er kann in und um jede Art von Lavaquelle im Vulkan Biom gefunden werden. Magmasaurier können auch in großen Mengen in der Nähe ihrer Brutstätte im Vulkan gefunden werden.

Dieser Abschnitt zeigt die natürlichen Farben und Regionen. Zur Veranschaulichung sind unten die Regionen rot eingefärbt über einem Albino-Magmasaurus. Die farbigen Felder, die unter der Beschreibung jeder Region angezeigt werden, sind die Farben, mit denen Magmasaurus nach dem Zufallsprinzip erzeugt wird, um einen Gesamtumfang des natürlichen Farbschemas zu erhalten. Bewege den Mauszeiger über eine Farbe, um deren Namen und ID anzuzeigen.

Server-Administratoren können die Information einer Region mit dem Konsolenbefehl cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>" nutzen.
Zum Beispiel wird mit cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 die Region Magmasaurus's "main" magenta.

Magmasaur PaintRegion0.jpg

Region 0:

X mark.svg

Keine Region 1 is not used
für diese Kreatur.

Magmasaur PaintRegion2.jpg

Region 2:

X mark.svg

Keine Region 3 is not used
für diese Kreatur.

X mark.svg

Keine Region 4 is not used
für diese Kreatur.

Magmasaur PaintRegion5.jpg

Region 5:


Basis Statistik und Wachstum

Beachte, dass Kreaturen in Survival of the Fittest abweichende Werte haben

Grundlegende Statistiken
Attribute Betrag Stufe 1 Erhöhung pro Punkt Zähmungs-Bonus
Wild Domestiziert1 Add Mult
 Gesundheit 3000 +150 +2.7% 420
 Ausdauer 500 +25 +5%
 Sauerstoff 200 +20 +10%
 Nahrung 2000 +200 +10%
 Gewicht 550 +11 +4%
 Nahkampf-Schaden 1202 +3.6 +0.51% -25% 17.6%
 Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit 100% N/A3 +0.5%
 Benommenheit 725 +43.5 N/A4 0.5

1Basierend auf dem Wert des Status im Moment der Zähmung (inkl. Zähmungseffektivität).
2Hier wird der absolute Basisschaden anstelle des Prozentsatzes angezeigt.
3Wilde Kreaturen erhöhen nicht die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
4Die Benommenheitsreserve kann nach der Zähmung nicht erhöht werden.

  • Für einen Vergleich der Statistiken aller Kreaturen, siehe Basisstatistiken Kreaturen.
  • Für eine genaue Erläuterung, wie die Berechnung des Levels funktioniert, siehe Statusberechnung Kreaturen.
Bewegungs-Typ Basis-Geschwindigkeit Sprint Ausdauer
Wild Domestiziert
Gehen 600 525 1575 -4
Schwimmen 600 N/A N/A N/A
  • Dies sind die Basisgeschwindigkeiten der Kreatur bei 100% Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit
  • Für einen Vergleich der Geschwindigkeiten aller Kreaturen, siehe Basisgeschwindigkeiten Kreaturen

Wild Stats Level-up

Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding-stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.


Diese Sektion beschreibt wie man gegen den Magmasaurus kämpfen kann.


The Magmasaur is a formidable opponent, it has multiple attack styles which can be very devastating.

The first attack that the Magmasaur has is searing spit which can strike as far as 15-20 foundations away, and can instantly destroy wood, stone, as well as metal structures within a few foundation range of the impact. It can kill any under-geared or overwhelmed survivor instantly, ignores any gear worn on him/her, and can hit you even if you are riding something. Survivors should be cautious they don’t find themselves on the receiving end of this attack.

The second attack that the Magmasaur can use when a survivor(s) or tamed dinosaur(s) stray too close is searing flame which causes burn damage over time. The debuff will constantly refresh until a survivor has either ran out of range or killed the Magmasaur.

There are two good strategies for dealing with Magmasaurs.

The first is to deal with them at range, but keep in mind that Magmasaurs take reduced damage from fire arms, and you will have to dodge searing spit attacks. A high quality Compound Bow is recommended for ranged attacks.

The second requires a tame and requires you to quickly close distance with a Magmasaur. While in melee range, Magmasaurs will rarely, if ever, use their searing spit attacks. As that is their most devastating attack, it makes them much easier to kill. Always be on the lookout for other nearby Magmasaurs who may use their spit attacks while you’re engaged in a melee fight!

The Magmasaur is completely immune to lava. A survivor should make sure they have a decent distance between themselves and the surrounding Magmasaurs before attempting to grab any eggs from their den.


Try and use ranged tools to attack the Magmasaur as it has dangerous abilities for close quarters combat. It's recommended to use a strong ground tame.

A group of survivors could possibly use any range weapon to deal damage to a Magmasaur to get aggro on a fast mount, while the other survivors wait until the Magmasaurs are far enough away from an egg before attempting to grab one.

A strong creature with high dps can kill it if you engage the magmasaur in a fight, like a high level ferox with decent melee damage.


Use a Rocket Launcher and the Bloodstalker for its ability to lift you up when firing.

A Crossbow would also work if a survivor is trying to lure any Magmasaur(s) away from an egg.


The Magmasaur can fire meteor-like projectiles from a long distance, and their short ranged burn attack can be deadly for survivors and Creatures who stray too close. It can also wipe your wood, stone, and even metal base. They can shoot Dinos/Humans outside of turret range, much like the Managarmr during release of its state.


The Magmasaur is weak when exposed to cold temperatures, more so when in water (including rain).

Although risky, a survivor can flank a single Magmasaur and be able to stay behind it because of it's horrendous turn radius.


Wild Magmasaurs cannot be tamed. The survivor must steal and hatch  Magmasaur Egg, or have two tamed Magmasaur breed in a lava puddle at the Volcano Biome Simulation to produce an egg. Magmasaur eggs can only be found in Magmasaur nests.

A Magmasaur egg has a five hour incubation period.

Baby Magmasaurs require  Ambergris to feed off until adulthood, which are only obtainable through mining glowing cracked/tinted green rock found in the lunar biome. Ambergris restores 500 food on babies, and they have a 15 minute spoil timer upon acquisition.

As Ambergris can be stored in Fridges and Tek Troughs, it is well advised to use the Tek trough when accessible to preserve the Ambergris up to at most one day to feed Juvenile and Adolescent Magmasaurs.

Magmasaur babies loses 12 Food / per minute, 720 food / per hour on their baby state, this consumption rate will show difference (lower consumption rate) in juvenile and adolescent states.


Magmasaur are able to spit out "Searing Spit" while ridden or allowed to with  Metal Ingot in its inventory. Holding the right mouse button(Left Trigger on Console) strengthens the Searing Spit, unleashing a barrage of lava when it lands. This cannot be used or has a very slow charge rate while it's submerged in water, or while it's in cold temperature biomes such as the Arctic biome or cold parts of the Lunar biome, but its charge rate is increased in hot temperatures, commonly found throughout the Volcano Biome.

If allowed to charge up searing spit but not spit it out, pressing "c"(Clicking Right Stick on Console) will cause the Magmasaur to fire explosive shrapnel around its side instead, exploding nearby. It can also harm itself as well, while minimal, so care must be taken when using this.


Tank: Magmasaurs can have a very high  Health pool. Pair that along with their AOE taunt ability (space bar)(“A” button on Xbox) they can aggro other dinos around them while other tribe members kill them. Magmasaurs also have moderately high base damage (Level on Health. Leveling their melee is ill-advised).

Mobile Forge/Campfire: It can smelt/convert the following items like the  Phoenix per 20 seconds:

While smelting, its food drops substantially and will attempt to eat any Raw Meat inside, which are insubstantial food. Keeping mainly  Stones unless trying to cook meat will maintain their food. (Level in Weight, and avoid using Searing Spit as food will drain to zero.)

Golem Killer: Excluding it's AOE firebomb attack, the Magmasaur can do full damage to the  Rock Elemental and it's variants using it's melee and fireball attacks. This allows you to easily counter any enemy golems.

Metal/Mineral Gatherer: The Magmasaur exceeds the  Ankylosaurus in terms of metal gathering by virtue of its increased mobility, weight capacity, and "apex" status that makes most non-apex predators ignore you while you gather metal. Also, since they make the rider immune to the volcanic eruption, you can continue farming inside the volcano which is ironically safer to do on PvP servers, just don't dismount until the eruption subsides! They can also harvest obsidian and crystal at much higher amounts. The downside is that they can't be picked up by an  Argentavis (if fliers are available) or  Karkinos but for the solo farmer, look no further than the Magmasaur. (Level in Weight and a little melee if needed.)

Dragon Boss Killer: Because the Magmasaur is immune to any burn damage, the devastating fire breath of the  Dragon boss is unable to damage them, making them perfect for a head on attack against the dragon while damage oriented creatures like the Rex attacks the dragon from behind.


Weight Reduction

The Magmasaur reduces the  Weight of the following resources by the listed amount while they are in it's inventory: Vorlage:Weight Reduction Resource


Ressource Effizienz
Metall.png Metall ★★★★★
Stein.png Stein ★★★★★
Holz.png Holz ★★★★☆
Rohes Filet.png Rohes Filet ★★★★☆
Obsidian.png Obsidian ★★★★☆
Stroh.png Stroh ★★★☆☆
Leder.png Leder ★★★☆☆
Chitin.png Chitin ★★★☆☆
Datei:Fleisch.png Fleisch ★★★☆☆



Für Fragen, die sich auf Informationen zum Thema Magmasaurus in der Realität beziehen, lese den relevanten Wikipedia Artikel

  • Magmasaur Egg has a maximum level of 150 like Deinonychus Egg, maybe because both creatures are breedable.
  • The Magmasaur's charge spit attack now consumes 1  Metal Ingot per hit; not affected by the percentage of the charge.
  • The Magmasaur is the second Creature to be prominently and directly affected by its environmental surroundings as a direct Status Effect, as opposed to an indirect Status Effect like  Radiation; specifically high and low temperatures are instrumental in its affect to the Magmasaur, and even rain will affect it.
    • Technically  Spinosaurus is the first creature, becoming stronger when in water and not as strong while out.
    • The term Cherufe refers to a demonic-like, man-eating humanoid creature from mythology of the Mapuche people of Chile. Made of lava, magma, and burning hot rock, the Cherufe is said to live in volcanic areas on the surface and beneath the earth, as well as be a source of meteorites, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. To calm the creature and temporarily stall its hunger for destruction, human sacrifices (particularly young virgin women) were required to be brought and thrown into volcanoes or volcanic pools.
    • "Lava Lizard" is another code name of the Magmasaur.
  • The  Rage effect for the Magmasaur lasts 15 seconds.
  • HLN-A's Note 7 shows an image of what appears to be a baby Magmasaur head alongside the adult. The Magmasaur can in fact be bred, making it the second raise-only tame to be breedable, with the first being the  Deinonychus. They need to be in lava to be able to breed.
  • The ability for the Magmasaur to contain and swim in lava is extraordinary, as not even the most heat-tolerant organisms known to exist, hyperthermophile Bacteria and Archaea, some of which can survive temperatures over 100 degrees Celsius, could even come close to surviving in lava; lava can range anywhere in temperature from natrocarbonatite lava made by the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano in Tanzania which can be as cold as 500 degrees Celsius, to the ridiculous 1,300 degrees Celsius lava found from satellite measurements on the moon Io that orbits Jupiter. All known organisms, which are carbon-based in their biochemistry, can not survive these extreme temperatures that the Magmasaur can, as the heat would destroy their basic macromolecules like DNA and proteins, being lethal. The only way that the Magmasaur could even exist is if it's not a carbon-based life form and therefore be completely alien to all known life.
    • This dilemma could be mitigated if the Genesis: Part 1 simulation is indeed entirely a simulation and thus be free to break the rules of reality.
  • HLN-A mentions in one of her notes that the Magmasaur was originally engineered to live on Scorched Earth, before being scrapped and reimplemented for the Genesis simulation. She notes that the magmasaur was being tested on Scorched Earth to see if it would fit in a desert environment. But with the fact that the Genesis Simulation and its technology came before the ARKs, the magmasaur most likely came from the Genesis Simulation and couldn't be on the ARKs due to its already deadly lava affinity being able to easily burn and destroy the desert wildlife.
  • The Magmasaur and the  Thorny Dragon share a similar vocal sound.
  • The Magmasaur will not survive in lava on the maps Valguero or Ragnarok, however it does survive The Island volcano's lava, making it the perfect place to breed.
  • Like all Genesis: Part 1 exclusive creatures, the Magmasaur does not have a proper Dossier made by Helena, as Helena was not present as a normal survivor in the simulation.
  • Compared to raise-only tames like  Rock Drake and  Wyvern, Baby Magmasaur food drop rate is similar to that of any other babies unlike the former two babies.
  • Strangely, baby/juvenile Magmasaur does not start emitting fire around itself until it has matured to 25% growth. (Even without "Enable Smelting" on) This doesn't affect the ambient temperature however.
  • Magmasaur's searing spit ignores any armor worn on the survivor, unlike  Basilisk and  Poison Wyvern poison spit.
    • Unlike the latter two however, there is no way to avoid getting damaged by the Searing Spit other than riding a tamed Magmasaur, however the flame DoT can be nullified if you're wearing full set of  Hazard Suit Armor.

Bugs and Glitches

(The magmasaur has a lot of bugs)

  • Magmasaur are not immune to  Enflamed debuff, especially from  Fire Wyvern flames and  Magmasaur searing spit.
  • The Magmasaur is incapable of harvesting  Jug Bug corpses.
  • Despite being perfectly at home in lava at Genesis: Part 1, the Volcano, Dragon Arena, South East Cave, and the Tek Cave at The Island, the Lava Biome, Skull Island, and East Lava Cave at The Center, and the World Scar at Scorched Earth, all other lavas, excluding the lava in a small cave in the Boreal Forest of Valguero where the  Artifact of the Crag can be found, at other maps hurt the Magmasaur. This includes lava areas at Ragnarok (Jungle Dungeon, Dragon Breath Grotto, Volcano Tippy Top, and Dragonmalte Trench), and Valguero (The Great Trench). If these areas are not fixed, then it will continue to be disastrous when players riding their Magmasaur expect these lavas to not hurt them. This is now fixed, you can go in Ragnarok Vulcano, and your Magmasaurus dont die, you can breed them here. I test it.
    • It is also noteworthy that even though the lava in the Tek Cave of The Island was more or less patched via 309.4 and most of the lava in the cave will no longer damage the Magmasaur, there are still a few certain lava places in the cave that still damage it. Oddly enough, the patch also made the deadly water at the end of the cave no longer hurt the Magmasaur as well.
  • There seems to be a sporadic bug where the Magmasaur will eat 10x what it should when in Smelting mode. It will empty it's food bar completely when doing so even with an inventory full of meat.
    • A fix may be feeding the Magmasaur until it is 100% full which resets the rate at which it is consuming its food bar.
  • The Magmasaur saddle does not protect shoulder pets while inside the Volcano (Genesis: Part 1) during a volcanic eruption.
  • wild magmasaurs can sometimes be frozen into position if you move out of their range when they are fully charged and try hitting you with the searing spit.
  • the saddle makes the rider invulnerable from everything but sometimes the charged buff will set you on fire.
  • the lava in the volcano is sometimes treated like water and prevents the magmasaur from charging up.
  • an extremely rare glitch happens when you dismount and then mount the magmasaur quickly before the volcano erupts this sometimes disables the saddle’s Ability to save you from the eruption.
  • another bug allows you to use searing spit without any metal ingots.


Patch Änderungen
306.41 Genesis: Part 1 Expansion Release Datei:Magmasaurus.png Magmasaurus wurde dem Spiel hinzugefügt
  • Fixed several visual bugs with Magmasaur
  •  Ambergris  Weight now scale at 0.5 inside Magmasaurs to help with raising babies
  • Now requires  Metal Ingots to shoot its spit projectile
  • Projectile speed and gravity has been adjusted to allow proper  Turret targeting in low FPS conditions
  • Fertilized  Magmasaur Eggs can now be used to tame the previously untameable on Genesis  Basilisk
  • Fixed occurrences with the Magmasaur's projectiles so that it can't reach and damage structures outside of a turret's range anymore
309.4 The lava in the caves of The Island, South East Cave and Tek Cave, and the lava of Scorched Earth in the World Scar trench no longer damage the Magmasaur
  • Magmasaur no longer takes damage from lava on The Center
  • Fixed a mounting exploit with Magmasaur

Magmasaur can now be spayed or neutered

310.67 Fixed an exploit with the Magmasaur

