Disclaimer: dieser Artikel ist noch nicht vollständig übersetztGenesis: Part 2 ist das fünfte und letzte kostenflichtige für ARK: Survival Evolved und ist durch den Kauf des Genesis Season Pass erhältlich.
In Genesis: Part 2 müssen die Überlebenden eine neue Welt mit drei komplett neuen Biomen, Missionen und eigenen Kreaturen bevölkern. Die Karte besteht aus einem zweiteiligen Raumschiff, und dem dazwischenliegenden Weltall. Besonderes Augenmerk fällt auf die Gestaltung der bespielbaren Regionen, welche sich in den zwei Ringen des Raumschiffs, sowie deren Mitte befinden. Folgedessen ist die Map in die Eden bzw. die Corrupted Zone geteilt. Der Void wechselt alle 24 "in game" Stunden zwischen acht unterschiedlichen Asterioiden-Regionen auf welche je nach Region unterschiedliche Ressourcen und reine Metalnotes zu finden sind.
Asteroids in between the two rings that change after hyperspace.
Unique missions that grant graded loots, including Tek items.
New Creatures
The map contains various new creatures, from a unusual but helpful Maewing down to a small but horrifying Noglin, the smart and curious Astrodelphis that wanders space, the robotic and ever-searching Stryder to be tamed, the sneaky Shadowmane that can turn invisible at will, the flying robotic sentries known as Voidwyrms, and the horrifying Summoner that can spawn other creatures to aid themselves.
Moreover a brand new variant of creatures called R-Creatures can be found across the ship, each possessing boosted stats from their original counterpart.
Unique Environmental Features
Hyperspace, an event that appears during the night, this makes the sky go purple with millions of stars passing by and the ship will eventually arrive at another planet. This event causes the asteroids in the -Space- area to change afterwards.
Eden Zone, a starter area for survivors, filled with plateaus, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls, providing all necessary Resources needed for survival.
Tek Trenches (Rock Tunnel) that act as technological bridges between biomes, and the two Rings.
Corrupted Gardens, an aberrant and twisted region created by Rockwell filled with his eerie creations.
The S.U.M.P, an underground ocean located underneath the Eden Zone, which contains ocean-based creatures and resources.
An area in between the two rings known as -Space-, while low in biodiversity it does have asteroids that transform after a hyperspace event has occured.
Like Genesis: Part 1, Genesis: Part 2 includes missions. These missions include hunt missions, races, gauntlet missions, and more. These missions give hexagons and non-grindable loot upon completion, as well as certain effects, such as taming speed increase & more. Missions can take place in the Genesis Simulation (where you will not lose your items if you die), and some outside of it. Each mission has a gamma, beta, and alpha difficulty, with each higher difficulty providing better rewards.
All missions of a respective difficulty level must be completed before the Rockwell Prime boss fight can be started on that difficulty.
Genesis: Part 2 introduces new biome variants of 19 creatures, called R-Creatures, similar to the X-Creatures. Unlike the X-Creatures, these biome-specific variants spawn alongside their normal variants. This means that you can find both the R-Dino as well as the basic dino variant on the Genesis ship.
Include a main menu that changes, depending on if you have defeated the final boss or not.
Not have a new Specimen implant rewarded for defeating the final boss on that map.
This is the last canon map to be added before moving onto ARK 2.
Survivors come pre-equipped with a Federation Tek Suit upon entering the Genesis-Ship, and it does not need fuel to use its abilities, although slightly weakened.
Just like Genesis: Part 1, Genesis: Part 2 has HLN-A alongside the Player, providing access to the Hexagon Exchange.
Unlike Genesis: Part 1, Genesis: Part 2 allows the use of flying creatures.
You can spawn a Mission Dispatcher for Genesis: Part 2 with console command: cheat summon missiondispatcher_gen2_c
At midnight in game time (00:00) the ship moves throughout the galaxy, giving the sky across the map a interesting effect. This is known as Hyperspace.
This is the second map that allows players to tame Reapers without cheating, the first being Aberration.
This is the second map to include an underground ocean, the first being Valguero.
Along with first big reveals of the expansion, Genesis 2 Chronicles had begun, adding several new Explorer Notes every few weeks to story maps in chronological order.
Unlike Genesis: Part 1, this map has traditional Explorer Notes alongside proximity-activated HLN-A / Rockwell notes.
Asteroids found in the center space ring only spawn when the Genesis-Ship is out of hyperspace. You can tell what these asteroids will be by the color of the drops around the area. For more details please visit the -Space- page.
This map is the largest in the game.
The setting of Genesis: Part 2 has similar settings to various media as well as texts:
The biome-laden rings connected to the Genesis-Ship have a similar appearance to that of the Halo Array from the Halo Series.
The Eden Zone has a similar appearance to a normal Halo Array from the Halo Series
Additionally, Rockwell's Proliferation is similar to areas of the Halo Array that is infected by the Flood from the Halo Series.
Elder Scrolls
Rockwell's Garden resembles Sheogorath's Daedric realm: The Shivering Isles with strange looking plant life, and a root system that is connected to the entire ecosystem.
Both creators of Rockwell's Garden and Shivering Isles, Rockwell and Sheogorath respectively, have many similarities.
The biomes they live in and made as mentioned above.
Their biomes have highly dangerous inhabitants that are of their own creation, and have loyal servants.
Have a personality that revolves around madness and insanity. Before their personality change, both were orderly and logical as Rockwell used to be a normal human who was thinking clearly and Sheogorath was formerly Jyggalag, the Daedric prince of order and logic.
Ramble on to the player, yet they effectively make some good points about the player's motives.
The corrupted survivors resemble giants or lurkers from Skyrim
The barrier of space between the Eden biome and Rockwell's Garden and its presence of Voidwyrms is akin to the Elder Scrolls universe Dragonfires, a ward that keeps the Elder scrolls realms of Nirn and Oblivion separate.
Rockwell's Proliferation slightly resembles the Terraria Crimson biome, and that of the Wall of Flesh boss.
The Bible
The biome in the Eden ring is a nod to the Garden of Eden in the Bible where the land is a peaceful paradise.
The entire Genesis Colony Ship is like a literal ARK, where it acts like a lifeboat for all life and the surviving humans.
DLC of Genesis itself is a nod to the Bible's first book: Genesis.
As of current Voidwyrm spawns are bugged and Fire Wyvern (normal and Zombie) spawns instead.
In previous Fear Evolved all Aberrant, Corrupted, X, Ice Wyverns and Tek Creatures (Lunar-only) were bugged and regular creatures, including normal Megalania on Aberration, Deathworm on Extinction, Giga on Genesis 1 and even the super-bugged Nameless Queen.
While Surface Reaper Kings don't spawn on this map, Surface Reaper King Ghosts do.
Throughout the gameplay of Genesis: Part 2, the rings are constantly rotating around the ship's center. This is seen when you see a part of the ship moving over the playable section of the ring and later see it in the scenery of the non playable sections of the rings.
Griffins were seen in the teaser image for Hoverboard in the Eden zone but they are not found there
Logged out of Genesis: Part 2 Map from a survivor who has not defeated Rockwell Prime
Logged out of Genesis: Part 2 Map from a survivor who has defeated Rockwell Prime
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